Danita, To make a long story short (one of my New Year's resolutions!), I only just discovered this morning that ALL of the email sent to my new Eagle email address has been sitting in an online Inbox since mid-November. I thought it was configured to download into my Outlook along with my regular email. But I've been noticing lately that I'm missing things, especially email that some of my Boomer sisters said they sent me, including your card list way back in December. Well, this morning I finally did some investigating and found it...all 60 emails (plus about 60 more SPAM!) Duh. And to think I used to be a certified computer techie!!

So to you, and any of my other Boomer sisters who have written emails to me through my Eagle address since mid-November, my apologies for not responding to you!!!

I wonder how many book orders I've missed out on, since they would have come off my website and may have gotten mixed in with the SPAM stuff, which gets automatically deleted after 30 days. Hmmmmm.