If you want a good place to talk with corporate wives. Go up to Wayzata, MN, where your husband is and visit the Newcomers' Club. It is literally filled with corporate wives!

On the other topic: I have a distaste for intolerance for those who are different from oneself or have different ideas. Being from the South, I have heard judgments made all my life about the educational and intellectual status of Southerners as well as the attitude that if you are a Southerner, you are by default a racist.

That is absolute B.S. People from the South are not stupid and are not racist to any greater degree than the people that I have met since I have been living in the North. The biggest difference I can find is that Northerners don't have a Southern accent. People are just people, and you are going to find examples of every possible expression no matter where you go.

Bigotry is the tool people use when they need to put someone else down so that they can feel better about themselves. Like someone said earlier, they just need to get over themselves! [Roll Eyes]