I read these rules of etiquette in Edith Post's column:

It is okay to be five minutes late for a buffet style dinner but not more than this.

For a cocktail party with snacks a 15 minute late arrival is okay, but not more than this.

For a sit down dinner you are required to be on time.

I guess I should've clipped the newspaper article for her. When she was my children's Godmother she arrived on time at our home to go to the church.

One Christmas Eve my mother kept us waiting for two hours! My mother-in-law and father-in-law were also here as guests for three days. My poor mother-in-law was wringing her hands and couldn't believe the audacity of my parents keeping us all waiting to eat. I was steaming! When my mother finally arrived I asked her what had happened. She said she was doing some last minute Christmas shopping!!!!!!!

Later on when we were talking I brought this up to my mom and told her I would never wait that long again. Boy did that make her angry!