Louisa, the things we take for granted!

I was recently rear-ended in town and didn't know what hit me either. It's an odd feeling.

I was in a car accident with two of my sisters while in my aunt's funeral procession. We weren't as lucky as you. My sissies were okay, but I had a bum shoulder for a year and finally had surgery.

*Always be careful while driving in funeral processions. A guy didn't realize it was a procession and plowed right into us. Not a good scene for Mom and Dad to witness while on they're way back to the place for refreshments. An ambulance, daughter's wrecked car, and three daughters hunched on a curb! [Eek!]

Chatty, you've lived with him beofre so you know what you're in for. I trust your judgment. I'm happy for the help with your financial load.

He also had your good food on Thanksgiving...so what do you expect? [Razz] [Big Grin]