Thanks for your thoughts, Chick. I'm doing great today. It's a bright sunny day here, so I went out this morning to mail a letter. Came back, had lunch and was just sitting down at the computer when hubby arrived unexpectedly. He's been in northern Quebec for the past 9 days and was planning to come home tomorrow. But he decided to come a day early. I was so delighted to see him...and glad that I had cleaned up some of those dust bunnies this morning! (though dust bunnies don't bother him, only unironed tea towels - oops, I never iron them when he's away!)

LOL. So I'm a happy camper today. His daughter's coming for the weekend, so we'll get to play some cards and dominoes...then he's taking her, my brother and I all out for Dim Sum on Sunday. So it's been a good day.

But this means I won't be online as much now...I have to share the computer so he can play his civilization games. Oh well, time to tackle the dust elephants hiding under the beds before Christmas guests arrive!