Dahti, I want to echo Kathryn's message. I too have a very strong faith, and it happens to be Christian-based, but I fervently believe in - and try to foster, nurture and uphold - our unity in diversity. My faith has been made stronger by embracing, listening, exploring and incorporating into my own spirituality the various pieces of wisdom and insight that have come from other people I've met along my journey.

I agree wholeheartedly with you, that peace on earth will only come about when people of different backgrounds, beliefs and cultures really share with each other and listen to what the others have to say without dismissing them because they are different.

It is my hope that we are learning and living that peace here in this site, that our connections with each other will continue to heal us and teach us how to unconditionally embrace and be enriched by the unique gift and wisdom each woman who stumbles into BWS brings to the banquet table of our lives.

[ August 17, 2005, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]