Hi everyone, I have a question. Chatty put the words "sex and violence" together. My question is this: Dotsie, are you here? I just thought I'd ask everyone. Since DV is, in part, a matter of power and control, as is SA (sexual assault) and the co-occurence of DV and SA is high, would it be appropriate to include SA in the title of this forum? You would be surprised at the number of women who have been raped during marriage by their partners, but who do not consider themselves as being raped because it was their own husband! I could be biased because confronting these issues is my mission, but, I don't want to exclude SA because it falls so close to DV. Also, a majority of women who experienced SA in their youth go on to marry (or have boyfriends) who are DV perps. What do you think? Can we add SA to this forum?