This IS a wonderful caring community, full of loving, supportive women - who are human, with time constraints, energy limitations and any number of reasons for not being able to respond to posts. I try to respond to as many as I can, but sometimes am just too weak, tired, empty, brain-fogged or in my own pain to know what how best to respond to someone else's pain without my own taking over. Sometimes I can respond adequately, but sometimes my own agony overwhelms me and all I can do is to read the posts and take each sister to my heart in prayer. You don't know that I do that, because it's silent, but I do. When you've been here long enough, you learn to trust that we are indeed a profoundly caring community, who do what we can when we are able to - it's never going to be enough to meet everyone's needs, but all we can do is be who we are and hope that we make a positive difference somewhere in the lives of others who come here.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)