Anne, our very biology has been one of the things males have used against us, crazy, isn't it?

As for any period in human history wherein females have stood more or less equal with men...well, some historians swear you can find evidence of this in ancient Celtic culture. Although there has yet to be found enough solid facts to prove positively, that women in this society were thought of in so high a manner. If indeed the Celts did live in a more gender-equal society, it was completely the opposite of the other ancient societies of the time, who looked upon a woman as merely another possession of a man.

In doing family research, while poring over very early American census records, I would often shake my head in disbelief, that women were thought so little of, that they were not included. You find male heads of households, and male children over a certain age, recorded as residing in the home, but it was thought unnecessary to record the female residents.
Jeannine Schenewerk

[i]'It's never too late in Fiction-- or in Life to Revise.'
---Nancy Thayer