The only person would be my husband. The last time I saw her was in AZ and I had my granddaughter (18-years old) my DIL and her sister. She was still cranky. She was bent because her sister wouldn't drop every thing and drive her up North. Well, her son was having surgery so she couldn't. Still, she was never able to see why her sister had to put her son first. It's like the world owes her.

I should add that she's had problems at every single place she's worked. Always strife with other employees for one reason or another. Maybe she felt she could act this way and just quit when things got rough because I'd be there to help out financially. I refuse to do that anymore so she's had no choice but to stay where she's working now. Doesn't stop her from complaining about it though.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes