After losing my step-father I've realized that there are fewer Christians than I'd thought. The same coworkers of whom I've bought baby presents and Christmas, sent nothing - not a card, flower(s), or a phone call, no nothing when my step-father passed. Some of them (the lawyers) have even been so audacious as to tell me what to get them for Christmas knowing that they are doing nothing for me. I'm so insulted and hurt. This extends to friends, neighbors, and family. My paternal family in Oklahoma did not even call to offer support.

My "revenge" is to do nothing. Nothing for any of their retirement, birthdays, no nada, nothing ever. Not a card, not a call, or a good on ya from me.

I'd like to look to God for guidance. Seems everything I do wrong - I'm caught. Yet, all these other types get away with it all. I'm really frustrated and have little if any trust in humanity.