I've never supported anything like this in the past because one never knows about scam artists, but I'm supporting this all the way. [Big Grin]

Rick Frishman is the President of Planned Television Arts, the PR firm that's representing me.


Please check the site and you can read more about him. He's also one of the guest speakers at the upcoming SPAN conference in Philly.

Anyway, he's selling a book and if you buy it before Thursday night is over you receive unbelievable bonuses.

To learn more please visit:


I already ordered mine. Email me if you have any questions and I'll try to get back to you before the night is out.

Even if all you do is read the book you can't lose.

I know I won't use all the opportunities because some don't apply to my project, but I'm excited to contact these people who believe in connecting, encouraging, and supporting others!

Want to join me?