I am writing to tell you about a magnificent opportunity for women writers. The International Women's Writing Guild was founded 30 years ago by Holocaust survivor Hannelore Hahn. In that time, it has been responsible for transforming thousands of women's lives through the act and art of writing. It values women's personal storytelling like few other writing organizations. Over 4,000 women have become published authors through the Guild.

Registrations are still available for our week long annual "Remember the Magic" summer writing conference which begins with a tribute to Anne Frank on June 12th. True magic happens there for women who have a story to tell, or want to use writing as a tool for personal growth and empowerment. ( I've been going for 25 years, and I owe my transformation as a woman and a writer largely to the Guild and the summer conference at Skidmore College in beautiful Saratoga Springs, New York. ) It's about $1000 7 days all inclusive for a single room, 3 gourmet meals daily, and a choice of 75 fantastic workshops in fiction, poetry, memoir and related subjects - an incredible value! They also offer weekend and 5 day packages. It is open to all women without portfolio, and writers of every level of skill, age and background attend. I have seen many women change their lives there. Come and start the book you've always wanted to write, find out how to publish the one you've written, find "sisters in writing" to nurture and support you, and experience the joy of unparalled support in your writing endeavours!

For more info go to www.iwwg.com

With blessings,

Heather Summerhayes Cariou