I just read a letter to the editor in the latest issue of GRAND magazine that really spoke to me. Actually it made me think of the situation Chatty was in a few weeks ago with her great granddaughter... I think unfit parenting goes on more than we want to admit.

And of course the attendant challenge is what are we going to do about it? Stand by and let an innocent child be harmed, or totally disrupt our own lives in order to step in and help?

Here's the URL: What's The Price of Protecting a Grandchild?

By the way, if you aren't getting GRAND delivered to your email box, and your NABBW membership dues are current, let me know and I can fix that for you...


Edited by Anne Holmes (11/05/10 07:33 PM)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.