I was at a gathering last night in support of Cindy Sheehan, the mother whose son Casey was killed in Iraq and she is camping near President Bush's ranch in Texas waiting for him to talk to her about the war. People certainly have opinions about her one way or the other (obviously I do too) but it also occurred to me that she is an example of a boomer woman mom who is making a difference. No matter where someone stands politically, Ms. Sheehan has made people take notice because she is an "ordinary" citizen with things in common with all of us. And she has been through a hell that all mothers and everyone with loved ones can understand.
I have to say that I admire someone who knows she'll get flack for taking a strong stand publicly and does it anyway. I'm not always that brave.

Dream of the Circle of Women
by Dahti Blanchard
published May 2004 by Spilled Candy Books
visit: www.dahtiblanchard.com