What should be done?

It's complicated to explain, so please follow closely:

My sister, whom I'll call Jane, has a daughter, nearly 40 years old who lives out of state, whom I'll call Sally. Sally and Husband had financial difficulties -- husband lost his employment when the housing market crashed. Not only that, but their house lost its value after they took out a 2nd mortgage to buy a bigger house from a relative of Husband. Husband had been working on that house, and they sank money into it, when both that house and their own were foreclosed. Terrible situation.

This summer before the houses were finally auctioned, Sally wanted her mom Jane to buy the relative's house (the bigger, more expensive one) and rent it back to them until the market came back and then they'd buy it from her. Jane actually considered it, and asked the bank, but the house was worth more than Jane's own house, even at the reduced rate. The bank said that Jane would have to mortgage her own house at 80% of its value. Sally told Jane that Jane could get a mortgage at zero percent, but Jane said that's impossible.

Problem: Sally lost her house and isn't speaking to Jane. Jane is heartsick about it. Sally lets the grandkids get on the phone occasionally, but she herself doesn't talk to her mom, doesn't email, doesn't visit. Jane has left phone messages, left email messages, but nothing for 3 months now.

Question: What should Jane do? Should she scold Sally? Should she plead with her? Should she wait it out? I go back adn forth with my advice, but just don't know what's best!