In another post, someone asked about doing inexpensive vacations. In our paper yesterday, there was an article titled No Place Like Home. Here are some tips for taking a vacation while staying at home. The paper was The Baltimore Sun.

-watch the travel channel
-stop the mail and make an away message (never thought to do this while being at home, but I love the away message idea)
-sleep in another room
get a massage, manicure, etc.
-order out, eat in
-tour local museums
-pitch a tent and sleep in the yard (no thank you)
-send postcards to freinds
-play card and board games
-read a good book
-visit local parks

What else could we do to feel like we are vacationing in our own homes?

How about doing a jigsaw puzzle, or sitting in a lunge chair outside and reading a book in the shade?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.