I spent several hours at the emergency vet Friday night with Spud. He was having signs of abdominal pain and couldn't p. They did x-rays and blood work; found several small objects in his colon and said his stomach was distended and gassy, and the blood work was fine. Took him home with a bunch of meds. Went to his regular vet yesterday; more tests showed he had blood in his urine, but no crystals. Brought him home with more meds. I have to just watch him and take him back to the ER if he gets worse or develops new symptoms. Poor little guy is just not himself. He's eating his regular food and drinking water but won't take any treats. All he wants to do is curl up next to me. My vet wasn't sure what started this; the intestinal or the urinary tract. I'm worried about him. I hate that we don't know what's wrong. My vet is really good, so for now we're just treating symptoms.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich