Oh my! Tonight, on the eve of the Blood Moon, there were 4 teenage boys hanging out near my driveway on the street, about 20 feet from the drive entrance. They were very loud and obnoxious. I turned on the exterior lights to give them a clue, it was around 10 PM. They didn't get it, so I took the flashlight and phone outside and asked them if they needed help with anything and to please move on! Well, they called me an old hag and said they would beat me into my house. Words were exchanged and that was that, I called the Sheriff and they sent a dispatch to my house. I explained and the young officer went to search. I called about 15 minutes later and asked the desk deputy if any info since the call, was told there were two police officers near my vicinity as several motor bikes were being reported as a nuisance. Yep, the motor bikes passed by my house, a one way street, in the opposite direction. I told the dispatch to have that young officer contact me when he was able. He pulled in the drive again 20 or so minutes later and said he found a group of teenage boys and one adult, he talked to them and that he had actually left my neighborhood the 1st time b/c he saw nonone, then was called again b/c other neighbor residents were complaining about loud motor bikes and riders. The young officer did not even take names of the juveniles nor adult, yet said he had a good talking with them. Gosh, I hope those boys threats don't come true and my house is vandalized.