I have been on my own now for 14 years. I have had a few relationships, the last one ending six months ago. It lasted 4 years but he lived long distance and neither of us could move, kids, work, we still keep in touch occasionally.

I started working out at a gym due to health concerns and am also on a celiac diet which is going well. I do not have celiac but this diet works well for me, no white flour, no sugar. I can't eat anything when I'm out which works well. Either have to bring food with me or eat when I get home. My water bottle is my friend.

Anyway. I go to the gym almost every day. A couple of weeks ago I was on the treadmill and a guy was working out on the wieghts and he kept looking at me. I thought he was looking at someone behind me but no, he was looking at me.

A few days later I saw him again and the same thing happened. I was confused as he is much younger than me. Afer a few more days go by, he comes in, walks right up to me and says Hi. I say Hi back but continued to work out not knowing what to say as I felt kind of shy at that moment which is unusual for me. If he was the same age as me I would think nothing of it. I talk to everyone at the gym.

But due to his age I questioned why he was giving me all this attention. I have never dated guys my age and have in the past dated someone 19 years my junior. Only once and usually the men I date are 3 to 6 years younger. I look younger than I am, people tell me that all the time. My mother is the same way, people are shocked when she tells them how old she is. Anyway it's nice looking younger but can cause some problems.

This guy is not trying to pick me up but he is trying to get my attention and it is clear that he wants to talk to me. I wonder if others have had similar experiences. I don't want to be foolish and think he is interested in me, but he is giving me more attention that I have had in a very long time and I'm wondering what's up with him. I don't want to get all paranoid here and think he is a stalker or something but wonder if I should just start up a conversation and put an end to this flirty stuff.

Am I imagining it, it has happened four times now so I think not. Have any of you had the experience of having a younger man giving you attention or be attacted to you?

Just wondering as I am sure to see him again.