I read an interesting blog post today, by woman I'm not familiar with. She's Evelyn Kalinosky and her post for the day was called, How Tolerating Hold Back Midlife Women

Part of what she said is here:
Part cultural, part genetic, part social dictates – women are givers (and that doesn’t mean men don’t give as well, but they tend not to have the same feelings of guilt and shame that come with saying “No”).

We all have things we have to do that we don’t necessarily want to do. It’s called life and being an adult.

Among the dozen things Evelyn confesses to tolerating:

* Thinking small
* Procrastinating
* Being afraid of being successful
* Emotional vampires

By the way, at the end of this post, Evelyn offers her coaching services. I want to be perfectly clear that I don't know Evelyn, I am not endorsing her services and I make nothing from linking to her post. I'm not intending to be promoting her services in any way. My only intent here is to share her thoughts as I ponder over what things in my life I ought to get rid of so that my life runs better.

So let's talk about this: what is there in your life that you tolerate that you know you ought to jettison?

For me, I'd start my list with this: Not delegating or outsourcing things that I don’t do well so I can concentrate on what I’m good at doing.

For the last 3-4 months, my VA has been sick, and I've been doing all the posting to the NABBW sites myself. I'm not that good at it, I'm a perfectionist, and doing it all myself means we're not posting content as often as we used to... I need to find a new VA.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.