Hello to old and new faces here at BWS! I have been away for a bit and while gone, I have done some "re-defining" myself.

I have closed my wicking sleepwear business and ventured into something new. Although I am still teaching high school full time, my creative and business endeavors have moved into the world of print on demand invites and cards at Zazzle. It has involved a new learning curve for me, but I have really enjoyed learning something new...hopefully keeping my mind sharp!

I have finalized a divorce which was a long time in coming. It is wonderful to have a sense of peace in knowing I have done the right thing in my life.

Since I am an empty nester, I added a beautiful little Maltese puppy to my life. I have never had a dog before, so again, I have been learning a lot about being a puppy mommy but I love it!!

I have enjoyed catching up with all of the posts here, and I plan on being a more frequent visitor. I forgot how much fun it was. Have a wonderful 4th of July!

Customize & Personalize Invites for all occasions at Night Sweats Diva and Be My Valentine