Here's a New Way to Sneak in a Workout

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Here's a New Way to Sneak in a Workout - 06/04/12 03:39 PM

I've just discovered a new way to sneak in a workout during the day - without going to the gym.

It's called Sworkit, and it appears to be a super-simple, free app available for use on our computers, iPhones OR Android phones and it creates randomly generated exercise circuits.

It functions kind of like an iPod shuffle for exercise. You choose your workout time (up to one hour) and goal (back, core strength, full body, etc.).

Sworkit then generates a series of randomized 30-second routines (none of which require equipment) for you to follow, along with handy pictures of what each task--say, a “jump squat” or “V sit-up”--actually looks like. At the end of every 30 seconds, a whistle blows and you’re on to the next exercise.

I just tried it - telling it I wanted ten minutes of upper-body work and Sworkit served up a variety of moves including lying triceps lifts, wall push-ups and alternating planks. Since I've not been exercising regularly, the result was impressively sweaty.

Best of all, any routine I didn’t like, I could skip, and it gave me a welcome break every couple minutes.

My verdict: it's not as good as going to the real gym but it's a whole lot better than nothing. and it's fr*ee.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Here's a New Way to Sneak in a Workout - 06/05/12 02:46 AM

Thanks, Anne. I'll have to check it out!