
Posted by: Lola

Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 01:30 AM

So, who else cannot sleep!!! Gosh, I can bear up with the minor hot flushes but I am not enjoying this bout with insomnia. If I get any sleep at all, I wake up tired. This menopause malarkey...!!!
Posted by: denanz

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 03:32 AM

I was doing that for awhile too. I didn't have trouble falling asleep but I would wake up in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep. So now I stay up late working on the computer until I feel really sleepy. Now I fall right to sleep and don't wake until morning. But it also might be that I am having a menopause remission. I haven't had any hot flashes lately and had a period last month.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 03:37 AM

I had lots of problems with insomnia in past years, partly due to depression, chronic fatigue and grief after losing my Mom. It took me a long time to recognize that another contributing factor was that I was going to bed too early! I used to go to bed at the same time as my husband, who goes to bed quite early (9:30!) I would sleep for a few hours, then wake up around 2am and be unable to get back to sleep for the rest of the night. It was so frustrating (and I didn't know about this place back then!), but once I began to use that time for prayer-time, it actually became something I looked forward to.

But when my husband went away for a couple of weeks about 2 years ago, I found that if I stayed up til 11pm or midnight, I slept straight through the night and woke up in the morning with lots of energy. Ever since then, I go to bed with him for a bit of cuddling, but when he falls asleep, I get back up and come here, or read, write letters, or play computer games until I'm tired (usually around 11pm). Then I'm usually able to sleep through the night.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 10:53 AM

yea insommnie can be so lonly if you sleep then wake, which i do but their times i just can't nood off at all. like anno said the moon and it's phazies play a big part in my sleep and also emotionality, i more tense generally and worriesome when it's just about full till it's comming full.

The dark moon can be strange as well.
I got fibromyalga so pain and innsommnie go as part of it's symptomology. As eagle was saying it depends so much on how you use that time and what spinn you put on it. Either way your gonna be tired but it's harder if you been desparring in the night or just worrieing more about the whatevers in life, praying always worked for me or someting creative that i could stop at when i wanted or when i got tired (like writting)......then theirs this place yippeeee makes a diffrence

Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 01:01 PM

I used to have insomnia, but I would never lie around in bed waiting for the sleep to come. I got up watched TV, (some of the best movies at 2AM), read, or wrote. That way I didn't mind it that much. Now that the hot flashes are almost gone, I sleep through. Like Denanz said, it must have something to do with menopause.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 06:33 PM

I have insomnia. It's because I can't get my mind to turn off so I can relax and fall asleep. Ativan took care of that. It's an anti-anxiety med. I take one 1 mg pill 30 - 60 minutes before I want to fall asleep, and off to la-la sleepy land I go.

One of the things I do before I try to go to sleep is make sure I put down in lists anything I'm worried about that I might forget. Then, I write in my journal if I have things I need to express. That helps get as much out of my mind as possible.

I also have sleep apnea so I sleep with a CPAP machine. It's definitely helped me to sleep deeper and stay asleep through the night. I am much more rested when I wake up. And, I wake up at a reasonable hour, instead of sleeping until 10 or even 11 in the morning. Much more energy instead of dragging all day.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 09:34 PM

The thing is, I'd read, write or watch TV, go over some paperwork I bring home or be on the laptop, until my eyes get tired and really droopy. It takes sometime to do that but I get there eventually...often at 2:00 A.M. or thereabouts. Then I wake up at 5:30 or 6:00. I have to find a way where I can manage to catch forty winks even at work.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 09:59 PM

I leave the TV on and the puppy barks at small noises if I don't have it turned up high.
I woke up to laughter and watch how someone came up with 'laughter exercise'. All these people got together every morning and just laughed. Nothing to laugh at, but did it anyway. It was to create endorphines to make their day brighter. Well, I think I'm going to try it. Bahahaa ha haha

Posted by: Pam R.

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/09/07 11:59 PM

Oh Lola...were you reading my mind? My biggest complaint for the last several months is INSOMNIA. In fact, I just went to the eye doctor today and mentioned that I have a twitching in my right eyelid. He asked if I was sleeping/tired, or if I drank lots of caffeine or under stress. Well, no caffeine for me ever, but yes to the stress and not sleeping, so I guess that's the answer to the eye twitching! Anyway, I take Tylenol PM about 3-4 times a week at about 9 pm. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't. I really don't want to take it every night since I think (even though they say it isn't) that it is habit forming. I don't want another problem to add to the insomnia! And, I really don't want any of those prescription drugs. Yep, this menopause is awful. The guys have no clue what we go through!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/10/07 02:48 AM

lola deep relaxasion
even at work at tea break or lunch take anything from 2 to 10 minets, deepending on if your practiced at relaxing your body. It's the sort of thing that gets easier and quicker with practice, relax body, part by part ie below knew, then knew to hip etc. breath from bottom of your belly like your breathing up throw your feet....fill your lungs that way, relaxing all the body. take your mind to quite place or indulge in positive healthy activity (mentally) swim in sea, dolphines whatever or just a mundane thing, ie backward counting.....i get pretty close to sleep but not quite and ten minets is enough to get me throw the rest of the afternoon.

if your intrested i tell you the teachnike that puts the eye's under a slight strane then the removale of that strane from the eye's bring on a wave of relaxasion. It can in turn be used as the cue for the body to relax....

in essence it's self-hypnosis without the suggestions, or put them in if you want but they not necassary....the ability to deeply relax for a short time is eqivilent to a greater time of sleep....

i do hypnotheripy so it's similare to it or self hypno
but more importantly it's what i use at night but get woken with pain so more importantly i use it in middle of or several times in makes life with a toddler managable lol

celtic_flame gimmie a wee pm and we can talk teachnikes lol
Posted by: Lola

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/10/07 07:54 PM

Guess what? I was sooooo sleepy at mid-afternoon at work today and really needed to kip even for a few minutes. Told them to hold all my calls for half an hour, went to the conference room, laid out documents in front of me and, hand on chin, pretended I was in deep thought and reading! Managed to have a 10-minute shuteye.

And guess what happened on the way home from work? Nodded off in the train and overshot my stop by three stations! Blast! Now, if I can just manage to nod off just like that tonight, I'd be a happy bunny.

What's the technique like, Celtic?
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/10/07 08:26 PM

Maybe you need to play a cd with train sounds, Lola. Oh my, hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Insomnia!!! - 01/11/07 01:24 AM

hope your not awake to read this lola lol

get your head rested, look up at celing like your looking thow your eye brows till you feel a slight strane in the eye's, hold for ten seconds then close eye's. the eye muscles going from tense to relaxed/unstrained floods eye area and back of neck with strong waves of relaxasion. Pick up on thse waves and amplipy them.
You can also role your eyes up with them closed then after holding them let them go back to rest. It a really strong meditasion teachnike, really simple but effective.

don't nod off on the bus or train they might get your bag lol (i hope not) but the middle of the day naps great and a life saver and off course you were in deep thought lol
