Forced Relaxation

Posted by: Candice Johnson

Forced Relaxation - 02/17/03 12:53 AM

While I am not usually a big fan of snow because it keeps me from getting to do things, I have really enjoyed being snowed in. My weekends are usually so filled with things to do that it has been nice to have nothing to do and not feel guilty about it becaue you really can't. While I am relaxing because I have no choice, It has been great for my mind and body to take a much needed break.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Forced Relaxation - 02/17/03 03:15 PM

I can't agree more! I don't have cabin fever yet!

This is a great time to clean out our desk, cabinets, drawers, cook, organize, write letters, journal...or just sit back and watch some television and movies.

There is peace in knowing that we CAN'T go anywhere, and if we did...nothing is open! [Big Grin]