Double like you somewhere, sometime?

Posted by: orchid

Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 02:40 AM

Over 15 yrs. ago, I saw a wonderful Polish film, The double life of veronique.

The movie has several sub-themes, but there is the overarching story of 2 women, unrelated by blood, but similar in interests, etc.

As the years pass by, for whatever reason, I do believe, there is another woman out there in another country, or living in different century, who is similar to me. In terms of interests, temperament and could possibly bear some smidgen of phyiscal resemblance.

Over 5 years ago, I saw in a subway crowd, East Indian guy version of my partner. It was freaky. I told my partner and reminded him, the guy was just as handsome he was.

Both the movie and this subway crowd incidence has stayed with me. Just toying with strange possibilities in this world.
Posted by: gims

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 03:47 AM

I've heard we all have a twin. I don't think it's impossible. I hope there's not another me, though.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 04:07 AM

In the mid-80's, I had a massive breakdown, involving hospitalization for severe depression. When I walked into my first meeting with my assigned psychiatrist, it was just like looking in the mirror. She was my exact physical double, right down to the thick glasses, long dirty-blonde scraggly hair and scrawniness (I was almost 30 years old and weighed 100lbs). It was extremely disconcerting. And since I was in there because I hated myself and no longer wanted to live, I couldn't even stand to look at her. We never talked about being each other's twin (it became clear over time that we were even more alike in personality and mannerisms), which was odd in itself, but then I could never really open up to her at all, which ended up being very detrimental to getting myself the help I desperately needed. It wasn't until I was eventually switched to another psychiatrist that I made any progress.

I've often wondered what became of her. Now that I like myself so much more, I might be better able to talk with her about our uncanny twin-ness. It had to have affected her as well...
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 04:59 AM

When I was a shy 20 something, I walked into a bank to do a transaction for my brother who was out of town. Behind a glass wall, at the rear of the bank, was my exact double.
I tried to get her attention and even asked the teller if she knew her name. She said no, she was new and she hadn't even spoken to her yet.
At the time I didn't know my Bio Dad and wondered if she could have been my sister. I didn't understand why the teller didn't comment about us being identical.
I walked out of the bank without ever getting her attention and wonder to this day who she is.
She wasn't my sister as I found my family later in life and we weren't much alike in looks.
I have been told many times that I look like so and so, but I'm sure we all get that from time to time.

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 08:59 AM

Its spooky when you see this other person who looks like your husband. This happened when we were on holiday touring.This man with an older lady who looked like my MIL was his double.The way his hair was cut. Age...even the clothing.
Husband saw him too and were struck dumb.I wish that I had spoken but somehow it was such an unusual situation.
Fairy tales and horror stories came to mind...
Mountain ash
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 10:24 AM

All right…this is embarrassing…but I'll tell my Boomer sisters anyway.

Once I was in a restaurant with my hubby. It was a small place, but I noticed there was a lager room that led through a rounded doorway. My chair stood a ways back, in the line of the doorframe. While waiting for the meal, I leaned back to take a peak into the next room. At the same time a lady leaned back in the other room to look into our room. I looked quickly away. I then told my hubby, all excited, that I think I just saw my twin! I sneaked a peak again, and so did she…Okay ladies, I'm sure you have guessed It; yes, it was a smoked mirror.

I sure hope it was the wine's fault. I hate to admit it, but it took about 5 or 6 peaks before I realized that I was giving myself that flustered stare!!!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 01:11 PM

That's too funny, Hannelore! Must be a good children's story in there somewhere...

I just remembered another rather bizarre twin-incident. It was at the funeral home after my Mom died. We had placed dozens of pictures of her around the room, including a large bulletin board. Many of my co-workers came in and browsed the photographs, and almost everyone of them asked me why I had a picture of "Ann" on the bulletin board (it wasn't a picture of "Ann", it was a picture of my Mom when she was in her 20's). "Ann" was a 30-something co-worker and the exact twin of my Mom when she was in her 20's. To make it even more mysterious, "Ann" was born in Newfoundland, in the same area where my Mother grew up...but when I had mentioned to "Ann" the uncanny resemblance and showed her a picture and tried to find a family connection, she very quickly excused herself and left the room and never talked to me again...within a short time of seeing the picture she resigned from her job and moved to somewhere in the Middle East. Weird, eh?

I even wondered at some point if she could be my sister. My sister had died a month after being born, when I was five years old. But when I saw the amazing resemblance between "Ann" and my mother, and especially after that bizarre encounter with "Ann", I started fantasizing that maybe my sister had been switched at birth and that "Ann" was my real sister - she was the right age.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 01:56 PM

Oh wow, Eagle Heart...there IS a story in that. Strange that she left like that. I mean if she knew she and you were related, then why would she leave? It must have been some other reason, don't you think?
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 06:19 PM

hanilore is it not Germans that belive in doublegangers, the exact resemblence of yourself but if your unlucky enough to meet you DG then one of you gotta die.....hope not to spook you their more to this hannilore??

i did meet a physical twin on a bus in scotland when i was in my earliey teens only thing was the twin was a boy....Apart from that we looked identical, he had longish scruffy hair too....
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 06:47 PM

Amazing (and funny) stories. Hannelore...what can I say?

I had a friend who was sitting in a bar and saw an older man sitting across the way and they just stopped and stared at each other, not knowing why. They eventually talked and it seems the older man had an affair when he was much younger and there happened to be a baby as a result but the mother didn't want to get married or anything and disappeared. Come to find out, the older man was his father.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 07:03 PM

oops I spelled peek to use that spelling check.

Now that is more than an incredible story Dianne. If a movie was made on that…people would say…no way.

Celtic, I've never heard of that before…yikes…you just might have spooked a few ladies here… but if they are all still around…then that means the other one is as dead as a door nail. Yes?
As I'm writing this…does anyone know where that expression 'dead as a door nail' comes from?
Posted by: madhatter

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 09:32 PM

I hope, if I do have a double, she can give me some advice on how to buy jeans that make our butts look thin...

Actually, I have often been told I resemble Carol Burnett, but I think it is mainly that I have a zany sense of humor.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/05/07 09:41 PM

All of these stories are amazing. Once again, Hannelor ehas me in stitiches.

Eagle, wow! Have you put that story to rest?

I'm boring, never seen a look alike for hubby or me.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/06/07 01:02 AM

Very strange, many of these stories.

I was looking at a group picture of girlfriends hanging over the desk of a coworker. When I saw myself, I asked her when this picture had been taken. She went on to explain the circumstances and I told her I didn't remember the day. She told me I wasn't there. When I asked who that person was, she told me it was Ann.

So strange. I still walk by that picture and I know it is me, but it's not. And no, Hannelore, the picture was not hanging on a mirror!

Posted by: orchid

Re: Double like you somewhere, sometime? - 02/06/07 05:07 AM

Whoa. Some freaky stories. Eagleheart, that pyschiatrist story or your Newfoundland "relative" (?).

Spine-tingling chills abit... There was another woman with my same first, middle initial and last name, that used the same bank branch. She lived at a different address. No, it was not identity theft.
I guess out of near morbid curiosity, I MIGHT be curious to meet another person who has exactly same name.

Of course doing an Internet search on one's own name, can yield some curious results... And whole trail of a person's true achievements, etc...provided it all matches with your resume.