Taking a back seat...beautiful!

Posted by: Dotsie

Taking a back seat...beautiful! - 11/25/02 04:06 AM

Several weeks ago I traveled to Florida to be with my little sis shortly after her son's car accident. While I was there to give moral support I was able to take a back seat and witness something beautiful(I was alone...no husband, no kids, just me to take care of my sis). She has 3 grown children who have many friends. She also has many young people in her life because of her job. Moving to another state has caused her to miss her biological family. No worry though because she is the kind of person that I describe as..."a parade looking for a street!" Everywhere she goes she makes the most of life and people love her because of her humor, honesty, faith, and approach to life!

What I witnessed during a most stressful time was the whole "FRIENDS HEAL FRIENDS" scene. My God, I couldn't believe the people that stopped by the hospital to check in. They came knowing they couldn't see her son because he was in ICU. They just came in droves to get the latest on their friend, her son, their co-worker, their boss, etc., etc. These people were so positive and uplifting that I found it hard to believe we were in the midst of a tragedy. It was so heartwarming for me to see these kids so concerned and willing to do anything to help. Some of them went to the house to pick up needed clothes, some ran to get him whatever he was craving when he finally came out of a coma, some went to the chapel and prayed, one posted his name on the prayer list in the chapel. At one point there were so many people in the room given to them by the hospital(for family members to crash in when a loved one is in a coma),that sis started doing the mom thing..."Okay guys, we are going to have to be quiet here because the hospital might kick us out. There are only supposed to be a few people in here." Well with that, my sweet niece(the cool hippy one in the family) proceeded to tell her mom, as she was twirling her hair, "Look, we are all here because we love....(her brother's name) and there is no way they are kicking us out! They can't possibly LIMIT THE LOVE that's coming in here for him!" To that I say...YOU GO GIRL! Friends heal friends!
Posted by: boomersis

Re: Taking a back seat...beautiful! - 11/25/02 06:54 AM

I was also there to witness the love and caring that was all around us. Many of us went to church together on Sunday to thank God for our miracle. How precious is our life here on earth. There are times when we may feel that we have to control things. However, we should not LIMIT THE LOVE that surrounds us. I, too, learned a valuable lesson from my niece. What a beautiful, thoughtful mother-to-be.
Posted by: nillawafer

Re: Taking a back seat...beautiful! - 11/26/02 10:48 PM

speaking of limiting love... there is no limit to the love i feel for you both. you were there for me then, you are there for me now, you've been there for me before, you will be there for me later.. and i too will always be there for you both.