What's trending...?

Posted by: jabber

What's trending...? - 11/15/14 11:04 PM

This is wacky...

Just read a story trending on the home page. Title: "Woman walks around NY City with painted-on jeans and nobody notices."
Or some such nonsense. Apparently she rode the subway, went shopping, etc. and not one person saw she was nude from the waist down? Now that's crazy! sleep crazy
Posted by: yonuh

Re: What's trending...? - 11/16/14 06:53 PM

I'm amazed at what passes for 'news' these days. People are so involved in the latest celebrity 'gossip' they have no idea what's going on in the world. Which is why in this last election only about 1/3 of eligible voters actually voted. I find that so, so, pitiful.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: What's trending...? - 11/16/14 09:58 PM

That's an amazing story, Jabber! I hadn't heard about it, so -- you know me -- O went and Googled it.

Here's a link to the actual video so you can see the story as it takes place.

I'm thinking there were a couple of people who actually figured it out. But not many. Watch the video to see if you don't agree that a few people were on to her... But hey! It's New York City and all sorts of weird things take place there. Most New Yorkers are blase -- they're cool to whatever happens IMHO, as long as it doesn't involve them.

Beside that -- the point job is pretty amazingly realistic - and the model doesn't have a single ripple of cellulite on those gams!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: What's trending...? - 11/16/14 10:01 PM

I totally agree with you, Yonuh! The morning news shows on TV are hardly news-related for the most part. To get the news, you'd have to watch CNN or read some of the more nationally news oriented papers.

The media makes it a lot easier to pay attention to the "pap."
Posted by: yonuh

Re: What's trending...? - 11/17/14 02:16 PM

I don't even watch the morning 'news' shows any more, Anne. What news I get is online from news sources around the world. It's amazing to me how slanted the US news is to one side or the other. Where is Edward R Murrow when you need him??
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: What's trending...? - 11/17/14 07:36 PM

It's fascinating to read international news sources and see what news they're reporting about the US. I learned this during the summer of 1969, when I was in Europe. Not sure if things could be as different now, I think we're a bit more international due to the Internet.

But that was the summer we landed on the moon. And the summer of Ted Kennedy's bad behavior in Chappaquiddick.

The Paris Monde coverage of the moon landing made me proud to be an American. (Sadly, this newly felt pride also made me realize that prior to it, I had simply taken for granted the fact of the country of my birth.)

But the news of Mary Jo Kopechne's death after a night of drinking and debauchery -- and that it was Ted Kennedy who was at the wheel-- was covered much more explicitly in Europe than it was here.

Again, we now know that the news media used to protect the powerful people of this country. And today, I don't think these folks can as easily get away with as much...(Maybe.)

So I agree with you: I get most of my news from both the national networks nightly reports and the stuff that's published online. But even with the online "news," we all need to be alert to the reliability of the source. (And I say this as a parent of of two kids and an SIL who are all involved in the newspaper business with reputable employers.)
Posted by: jabber

Re: What's trending...? - 11/17/14 10:56 PM

Anne, That video is something. I've seen girl's [on the net] wearing actual bottoms that look like they're painted on. The painters' painting these jeans on this "model prankster" did a fantastic job. The last guy looked like he was taking a picture of her. Didn't see too many others paying any attention to whether she was wearing anything or not. She kind of blended in with the crowd.
Posted by: jabber

Re: What's trending...? - 11/17/14 10:57 PM

Back in the 1980's I worked for a scientist who knew Mary Jo Kopechne.