snow and ice

Posted by: Lynn

snow and ice - 01/27/04 03:17 AM

This is a short whine.

Today, we shoveled another 10 inches of white stuff. While shpveling, my husband was plowing the driveway (1/4 mile on a hill with hairpin turns, in other words a real olympic event). I heard a tire slide and saw half the tractor hanging over a cliff. I slid on down the drive with shovels to help out. NO WAY! Could not budge it.

We got the Jeep Cherokee. Hooked the tractor to the Jeep with a chain and I proceeded to drag the tractor about 50 yards (missed a tree) and never got it up on the driveway. Re-worked the chain etc. and tried to pull directly onto driveway. Well, I yanked instead of a smooth pull and twisted the tie rod on the Jeep. Tractor is still stuck.

We shoveled the tractor out (about an hour) and then drove the Jeep. The front two tires went in different directions if you can believe it. So, we went to the Subaru dealer and thank God he did not drive the Jeep when he gave us the trade in price. We now have a new Outback in the driveway and more money on the line of credit.

This has been one expensive snow so far. I'm glad no one is hurt. But you should have seen me dragging this John Deere 50 yds in the snow avoiding trees with my husband trailing behind. Reminded me of a Felini movie.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: snow and ice - 01/27/04 06:47 AM


You ARE super woman. When it snows around here even a couple of inches everything closes. We all call each other to describe how wonderful the snow looks in the back yard, but everyone parks til the sun comes out and there is certainly no snow plowing or shoveling going on.

I commuted up north on Lake Michigan for a while. Whew it's COLD and I learned that I hate cold. Couldn't wait to get home.

Be careful in the snow, but have fun in the new car.
