Life in general

Posted by: Danita

Life in general - 05/24/05 09:27 PM

O.K. ladies, if you don't hear from me it's because I've taken the plunge and run away from home.


I have to preface this "fine whine" with "I have a "visitor" in town" (ahem). I am miserable.

Hubby is driving me to eat apple pie - his work is not going well (for the past couple of months) and if he doesn't sell, we don't eat or pay bills. I am soooooo tired of living on a "commisioned sales income". He has the opportunity to learn the "water purification" sales and instillation business from a friend - but is afraid of "how long it will take" him to build it into a lucritive endeavor. ughhhh.

I'm thinking about going up the street and selling off parts of myself for cash. Just kidding. It's times like this I think about getting another job, but I know it isn't the answer.

Sorry girls, feeling really blue. Just needed to vent. I KNOW this too will pass...I'm just tired of the storm!

Posted by: DallasGal

Re: Life in general - 05/24/05 10:45 PM

Danita, on days like today, I usually drop everything and go and spend an hour or two petting my Siberian Husky, Kaitlyn and being loved on, leaned against and lap-invaded by Lena, my Australian Shepherd.

So I am sending their kind of love and "warm fuzzies" your way.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Life in general - 05/24/05 10:54 PM

Somedays everything just looks so impossibly complicated, frustrating and too much bother to try and get through. I'm glad we have here to come to on those days. Even if it doesn't change the actual circumstances, it just feels better to have a place to come, a collective shoulder to cry on, a loving pat on the back that says, it's going to be okay, we love you and are with you. Consider my hand one of those loving, understanding pats on your weary back.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Life in general - 05/24/05 11:13 PM

Thank you soooo much ladies. You are right - it's good to have a place to come and just vent..and to know one is not "alone in the world"!

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 02:04 AM

Those days suck. I've often thought of selling my body too but then the guy might ask for change and I only charged five cents...well.

I turn on my VCR and watch funny movies. It always brings me out of my slump.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 02:13 AM

Some days sweetie, it isn't worth chewing thru the restraints....but I've found that if you get a good nights rest, everything looks brighter in the morn...

Hang in there. We're riding the storm with you.

Posted by: Danita

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 02:27 AM


Layed on the trampoiline with my teenage daughter, soaked in 15 mins of sunlight to pick up my mood. Ate more apple pie. :0)

Talked to Dotsie on the phone (don't hate me)...she is as lovely on the phone as she is on the web! I want her to be my new best friend. I could have talked with her for HOURS!

Snarled at my miserable husband. MEN! I'm ignoring him and HIS mood. lol.

Ya, selling my body is risky business - but sounds like cheap entertainment (for somebody).

I'm just not going to let the details bog me down. Life goes on!

Tks for the encouragement! Tomorow will be a new day. THANK GOD!

Posted by: chickadee

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 02:54 AM

Danita, I am glad you feel better. Your daughter and apple pie, how sweet. Some times your worst days can turn into great ones.

What about the business Chatty was telling us about? On a temporary basis sounds good. I do Ebay because I get to yard sale all summer and sell in the winter while hibernating. I can help you if you are interested in doing that.

Tomorrow is a new day.
By the way, I'm glad you didn't run away.I'd miss you (sniff!)

If you decide to go ahead with selling the body parts? I've got a coupla hips I'd like to donate. [Roll Eyes]

Hang in there sister and I'll hang with you.

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 03:02 AM

I'll be needing a new hip in a few years. I wonder if I should pick one of those spare ones up now. I can just keep it in the pantry with all the cans of beans and tomato sauce until I need it, can't I? You know what they say, one person's junk is another person's treasure...
Posted by: Danita

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 03:04 AM

That's right! (one person's junk!)

I have my hands way full, homeschooling, mothering, and a home based business. With my husband going through "his thing" it just makes me more determined to work harder!

Thanks again for the encouragement!

Posted by: Sherri

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 05:26 AM

Hey Chick, How hard is it to set up a selling site on Ebay? I have a library of books, all hard back, read2 times that I'm wanting to get rid of. I'm really trying not to have to go back to work part time.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 09:59 AM

Sherri and others, I would recommend because you don't pay upfront to list. They already have pics. They give you shipping reimbursment and you only pay commission when a book sells.

Go to and check out my listings. My seller name is bunchastuf.

I suggest you register and take any old book and try listing. I am here if and when you need me.

I will list some pros and cons here tomorrow when I have more time.

I can say one thing, I am like chatty. I looove to work in my jammies [Cool]

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Life in general - 05/26/05 07:49 AM

Danita, I'm glad the sun was shining for you yesterday. I see that as a little blessing. There's nothing worse than feeling down without the sun in sight. [Wink]

I'm a fixer so don't mind me. Have you tried keeping a gratitude journal? It can work miracles by changing your perspective. I use to be more negative, but after years of looking for the blessings, I'm a much more positive person. Just a thought.

I know there are still periods of sadness. I'm blaming hormones!

Another trick is for us to not compare our lives to other's.

I'll pray your hubby works through this. Do you want him to have the courage to learn this new profession?
Posted by: Danita

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 08:36 PM


Days like yesterday are VERY rare for me. I know most of it was very HORMONAL and very ATMOSPEHERIC.

My husband struggles with "being a grown up"...he wants to run away from it all...and I personally, just want to throttle him.

I hate when I let "him" get ME down!

I am an optimist, a visionary, and a PARTY girl (in a good way!).

He is a pessimist, shortsighted, and miserable. LOL. (a marriage made in heaven).

I just want him to be happy with his life - but that is HIS choice. He hates his current boss and work situation, but I believe he is VERY afraid to step into something new.

So, this morning, I woke up and said, "Lord, it is a new day"..and I've just gone on from there!

Case closed! LOL!

Thanks again for just letting me vent - and also Dotsie, feel free to pray for him! He needs it! LOL!

(the party girl!)
Posted by: Danita

Re: Life in general - 05/25/05 10:22 PM

OK ladies,

you HAVE to check this out. It is funny AND inspirational.
Posted by: Sherri

Re: Life in general - 05/26/05 12:20 AM

My laugh for the day, and inspiring too. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Life in general - 05/27/05 04:06 AM

Danita, I hope you are better by now. There is nothing worse than PMS and MEN in the same week. Any faults my husband may have had were aggravated to the max when I had PMS. That included breathing. I told him once to STOP BREATHING! YOUR BREATHING IS BOTHERING ME! There was no relief except to knock myself out with Xanax. Apple pie? How wholesome! I'd rather go straight into a double dose of chocolate ice cream. And, Danita, considering how voluptuous you are, you'd get a pretty penney for your body parts! I hope you know that voluptuous is a compliment! Oh, I thought that I was your new best friend! Girlfriends, they are all so fickle! Love and Light, Lynn
Posted by: Danita

Re: Life in general - 05/27/05 04:38 PM


So glad to hear from you before we are off to our great adventure (south dakota)!

You are so right about MEN and PMS in one week! LOL

Haven't you heard that:

MENtal illness
MENstral cramps

ALL begin with M.E.N! LOL

I think I'm feeling better today - then again, it's only 5 am, I reading boomer posts, and the whole house is asleep! (what more can a girl want)

You ARE my new best friend, silly! In fact, we're going to have to set up a date in the next wk or so. Breanna's Bo came - so I want to go to Garden of the Gods and have lunch with you!

Thanks for the statement on being "vuluptious". LOL. You are sooo cute! I'm trying to scale down my "vuluptiousness" before my trip to Hawaii. Can't say my eating for the past 4 days has helped any!

anywho, Lynn, my dear precious friend,

have an awesome wk.end...and think about what day next wk would suit you for a visit!

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Life in general - 05/28/05 07:10 AM

What fun to know the two of you are becoming friends in person. [Big Grin]

Danita, maybe you need to get your husband to journal. What can we do to get him in a better place?