Your input is appreciated

Posted by: NatureGirl4444

Your input is appreciated - 09/07/05 01:14 AM

By the sound of the posting there is a huge resource here so I am writing my story of being a step-parent and hope to get some useful tips and encouragement.

I have been with my current partner for 1½ yrs. His son G who is now 4 has only been with us half time and the custody is not settled yet. For the first year we had G for 2 weeks and his mother then had him for 2 weeks. She is a very unstable person and very volatile. Often she would call asking us to take G because of various excuses. In January we moved to a different city and their case was heard before a judge who granted a 6 month interim arrangement for 4 months/4 months custody and at the end of the 6 months they were to come up with a more long-term arrangement. Just before the time was up the ex-wife decided to get a new lawyer so things have been hung up. She has informed us that she wants full custody. She has had 6 dif jobs since they split up and always financial problems and now G is starting to show behavioural problems with her. He is outgoing and respectful and alot of fun and listens and is polite with us. With her he has poor nutrition and is sick most of the time and he is disobidient and often is sad when we talk to him on the phone. This past May we have a new son A and G loves him so much and now always wants to talk to him on the phone.
This is so heart wrenching for me because I have no say in G's life. I love him as my own son and he even started calling me mommy (by his own choice) during the 4 months he was with us). The moment he got home with her, after she had a 'discussion' with him is now calling me K again. She is jealous and vindictive and selfish and is impossible to talk to.
Well, that's the abridged version. Tips welcome.
Posted by: Pattyann

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/07/05 03:07 AM

K-custody issues are so hard and full of game playing.
You need a good lawyer, you need documentation of the illnesses,it will be hard because unless you can prove abuse it usually goes to the mother no matter what it says under the law
If you get a sympathetic judge they might listen under the argument that yours is the more stable envirnment but I have seen it over and over- this will be a problem for you for the next 14 years
Love that little boy like you do and don't give up
Posted by: NatureGirl4444

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/07/05 04:09 AM

we can't afford a good lawyer, just a legal aid lawyer and they are so busy, it's been up in the air for the last year.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/07/05 04:42 AM

Maybe reverse psychology would work here. She is doing this to spite the two of you and hurt the marriage by causing stress. DO NOT put anything of this suggestion in writing but maybe your husband can speak with her and say (LIE HERE)he no longer wants the aggrivation of fighting over this boy since you have one of your own, so she can have him full-time, it is causing trouble in the marriage. I'll bet you after she hears that she will want you to share or give custody to your husband just for spite.....This is not anything you want in writing just in case and would be hear say from a spiteful ex wife in court so wouldn't count. This little fella is probably so confused with the poison you know she is spewing so if and when you see him, just love him and let him call you whatever he feels comfortable with until he is living with you. Most spiterful people end up spiteing themselves. This is just another take on your situation...Sometimes acting like you could care less is the best way to win....
Posted by: Lynn

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/12/05 04:54 PM

If you can-don't give up. he needs you. If the situation is as you have described, this little boy needs a voice. Maybe the judge will hear his voice?

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/12/05 06:10 PM

Have you done any online research? Perhaps there is a law firm that might answers some questions for you for free. I'd Google and see what you can find.

Whatever you do, keep loving this little guy.
Posted by: NatureGirl4444

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/14/05 10:33 PM

It's hard to know what kind of story his mother is going to tell the judge but hopefully he will see that we are a stable loving family and the better choice.
thx for your input so far.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/15/05 06:42 PM

Nature, I sure hope so. They should take the child's best interest to heart.

I hope you'll join us by jumping in some of the other forums.
Posted by: DallasGal

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/24/05 01:46 AM

Wow, Naturegirl, I definitely know the tug-of-war you are re: your partner's stepson, as I have been the girlfriend then fiancee and then wife in a blended family with a stepdaughter.

I just have a few questions for you - you say that you are a stable family - but you are not married to G's Dad - why is that? Especially since you and G's Dad now have a child together? Having worked in law, that does not appear very stable of a situation to a judge.

Also, why did you move to another city? The most stable place to be with G would be in a place where he and his mom could be relatively close by. Just curious. Did your partner have a company relocation or was this just a choice you and he made together?

Having worked with blended families a lot - I can tell you that a 4 month custody arrangement with Mom and 4 month then with Dad is NOT in a young child's best interest. That does TERRIBLE things to a child's psyche and sense of security at such a tender age. I believe if I were your husband I would seriously rethink that.

Re: G's Mom - I think there is more to this picture than meets the eye. Were you part of G's parents divorce as the other woman? If you were - trust me, G's mom has every human reason to be upset and volatile under the circumstances and you should know that. Even if you were NOT the other woman, divorce healing takes time. I would recommend that both you and your partner as well as your partner's ex-wife (they are DIVORCED right?) get into Divorce CARE, a program set up to help people like yourselves who are going through a tough time with divorce.

Any time a woman, especially a single mom, goes through a divorce it takes a good two to three years for the AVERAGE woman to get her feet back on the ground. I know many single moms who have had to switch many jobs b/c of circumstances that were not favorable for child care or for the best interest of her son. I personally do not know ANY single moms that have NOT struggled financially following a divorce. Divorce typically leaves a mom and kids at poverty levels while Dad moves on to another woman and seemingly is doing okay in his new life already put together.

Please be careful not to paint her as unstable or incompetent b/c your partner choose to pick her in his life and also choose to bring G into the picture with her and well, if she is all that bad - what does that say about your partner's choice in women?

This is not a popularity contest, Nature. This is a child's future. Divorce does crazy things to kids and when there is drawn out custody arrangements and horrible things are either said or implied in front of a child to poison them about the other parent - this does affect the child, even a 4 year old, on a very deep level. Even children younger than 4 go through acting out and acting up. It is completely unrealistic to think that they WOULDN'T experience these things. I would highly recommend you going to DHS or the equivalent in your area and seeking professional counseling for G. I also highly recommend a counselling technique called "Filial Play Therapy", as this is better suited for kids of G's age.

Re: change of lawyers - I'm not sure if I am getting this correctly - are you implying that G's mom did this to STALL the custody arrangements? Or could it be that she simply could not afford the lawyer she did have and financially speaking had to switch attorneys? As that happens alot in divorce proceedings. I know for a fact, as a typical divorce with children and custody issues will cost around $3000 - 5000 or MORE to litigate and usually cases with kids involve at least one if not two attorney changes. Such is the process of splitting apart what God put together.

K, please love G enough to wait until he is older to accept the title "Mommy". I would encourage you to read the book Stepwives : Ten Steps to Help Ex-Wives and Step-Mothers End the Struggle and Put the Kids First by Louise Oxhorn,Lynne Oxhorn-Ringwood I highly encourage any step mom who has the birth mom involved to VOLUNTARILY DEMOTE herself to a lesser position of "2nd Mom" "bonus mom" or use a foreign language word for "mother" like "Mimi" or something of the sort. Birthrights are not something that can be acquired along with quicky divorces and remarriages. They permanently belong to the birth mother. Please respect that and you'll see a different woman where the one you are seeing now is.

Also you did not mention how old you were, how old your partner is as well as how long your partner and his ex-wife were married before you came into the picture.

K, you said that your partner's ex-wife is "She is jealous and vindictive and selfish and is impossible to talk to."

From one stepmom's point of view who has walked miles both with myself and others in blended family - you are being unrealistic.

You have everything that she had and you think that she wouldn't have trouble dealing with that? Think like a WOMAN, K - a hurt, rejected and injured woman...and if you can't do that, then you have no business stepping into G's life or his Dad's life b/c you will end up hurting them more than you ever dreamed you possibly could. Think like a MOM, K - how you feel if the shoes were flipped and it was You and A trying to make a go out of it because your partner left you. It is possible you know and statistics say it is highly likely and probably that it will happen to you.

I know I might sound a little harsh, K, but seriously, this is about a child who has been affected and will continue to be affected without his choice by decisions that Mom and Dad and now you are making in his life.

Again, highly recommend counseling for everyone, also if G needs food - that is what state agencies are set up for, as well as local churches and multiple resources...let me know the area and I will promise you that I will get the contacts for your partner to approach WITH GRACE his former wife and child for the best interests of all.

Don't criticize where you haven't walked, K, or else you are certain relive the say fate as the injured.

Call it God, Fate - Karma, what you do and how you act does come back to you in greater measure that what you gave.

Be a blessing to G's mom,'s not about who's better, who's worse, who's right or who's wrong.

It is about a child, name G.
Posted by: DallasGal

Re: Your input is appreciated - 09/24/05 02:25 AM

K, with Divorces that involve children - sometimes the wisdom of Solomon is needed - which is what Chatty referenced earlier - but I would recommend that you and your partner seriously rethink a few things and make sure what you are doing is about truth, honesty and for the best interest of G, because anything else WILL boomerang and come back to you in ways that you did not wish - with or without writing.

One. Move back. Give G both his Dad and his Mom on a more consistent basis without the long time spans between and you and A will be a bonus. There are jobs to be had anywhere, trust me. God will make a way; we just make mistakes.

Two. Be the better person. If G's mom is just having trouble supporting G financially be certain it is not something your partner is helping to create or contribute to by not giving fair and equitable child support to meet the child's needs. Make sure she is receiving equitable child support and that she is being provided every possible resource - state funded programs, child health care, etc. - to ensure that G is being taken care of. There is too much out there available for ANY child to go without. You and your partner's job is make sure that NO MATTER what, G is provided for. It doesn't matter if it is not "your turn" - this is a child who can't get out there and do better for himself than what is being done for him.

By being the better person, it may require you and your partner to use the wisdom of Solomon. Back in the day, Solomon - a very aged/ancient wise King had two women come to him. One woman didn't have rights to a child, but the other woman did. Both claimed rights to the child. Solomon seeing that he wasn't going to get anywhere with these two broads, decided to test a mother's true love. He called out to a nearby soldier and said "Okay, I know what to do - I'll just cut this child in half and you can have half and then you can have half...then maybe the two of you can switch off to visit the other half." (paraphrase). The mother without rights thought this was a great idea - she would fight to the end of the child for rights to this child. The mother WITH rights was horrified and dissolved into tears and with every ounce of strength she could muster, having lost so much of her dream already, told Solomon to give the boy to the other woman. "I'd rather have him alive than living dead and in pieces". Solomon then took the child in his arms and cradled him - he knew that ONE woman had made the right decision. Then he placed the baby boy into the arms of his BIRTH mother, the woman with rights, and they went their way.

K, 4 month/4 month visitation cannot continue, you do realize that, right? That is dividing G. - Splitting him in half, into two parts/two worlds that could never seem whole to him and will always seem more part dead, than more alive. Does that make sense at all? That is detrimental to a child's sense of security and stability. If you can't move back - which I believe that you all could - then I would highly recommend letting G's mom have full custody. In doing so, you will not sacrifice this child on the alter of the court - and put G through what I've heard called "Custodial Rape", a violation of the child's rights to feel safe, comforted and secure.

By stepping back, and not wanting the picture perfect family you imagined that you would have with G's Dad - you will be giving G what he deserves to have: Two biological parents who can work together for his best interests, not fighting over him, and you and A as a BONUS and a blessing in his life.

Just my a bystander to your situation.
Posted by: NatureGirl4444

Re: Your input is appreciated - 10/03/05 08:46 AM

Dallas, you've given me lots to think about. When posting of course I left alot out. I will reply again.
Posted by: NatureGirl4444

Re: Your input is appreciated - 10/18/05 04:46 AM

Certainly the bottom line is that I want what is best for G.
Moving back is not an option. The place we lived has a poor health care and education system and the incidences of drug & alcohol abuse, family violence and teen suicides are the highest in the country.
G's mother was violent with her x-husband as well had problems with drugs and alcohol.
When he is with her, he has behavior problems and with us is very well adjusted and responds well to routine and reasonable discipline.
We take parenting very seriously.
The biological parents cannot work together because she is not a reasonable person and often volatile. I have supported my partner to be calm and supportive to her and any communications I've had with her have been friendly and supportive.
I posted because it is so tough having to communicate with a person that is so difficult to deal with. I know that it has been difficult for her and so always try to give her the benefit of the doubt but she repeatedly insults me.
As far as her financial situation, she has a wage that is $20k more than my partner, she just has poor spending habits and likely spends a fair deal on alcohol and probably drugs.
Also, G does not call his mother 'Mommy' but in a different language so that title to me would be unique and by request by him.
It would be nice if you (dallas) could counsel her and tell her not to sacrifice G's wellbeing for her selfishness.
Posted by: DallasGal

Re: Your input is appreciated - 10/27/05 03:05 AM


I would love to talk to G's mom if she ever posted here. I know I would recommend counselling for her and the same book I recommended to you - Stepwives.

You mentioned that G responds well to routines and reasonable discipline when with you all. If he is not acting this way with his birth mom, that means he does probably does not have routines and reasonable, if any, discipline. It is very common for single moms to become very passive with disciplining their children. They tend to feel scared, fearful that if they discipline that they will lose the child as well, or the child will like the other parent more...this is not good b/c children, like G, need discipline and direction and when they don't get it they act out to get some sort of parental leadership roles going in the house. Most often this acting out produces Aggressive tendencies in what was an overly-permissive mom.

Do you know if there are Family intervention programs in the area where G and his mom live that offer parenting classes - especially ones called "STEP" Strategic Techniques for Effective Parenting? These are usually hosted by non-profit groups using gov/state grant money, so child care is provided and you meet once a week, etc.

G desires discipline, correction and direction - just as any child does deep down - because it makes him feel SAFE. Recommend you possibly getting some books for her on healthy disciplining (i.e. Making Your Kids Mind Without Losing Yours by Dr. Kevin Leman) as well as Stepwives.

If the mother is using drugs, abusing alcohol, and is volatile with G - pull in Child Protective Services, G. is considered an at-risk child. If charges are substantiated against the birth mom - then G will be removed from her custody and given to his father, if the court deems him suitable.

K, have you ever studied anything re: The Personalities? Private Message me and I'll send you some resources I have here to help you in understanding more about personalities and how they influence our interactions with others. That may help you all in dealing with his mom.

I have been and am where you are at with dealing with "extended" families and it does get overwhelming and is often painful - keep pushing through, and keep your head up, there is light ahead.

Best to you all to have this resolved quickly - it is not in G's best interests, or anyone directly involved, to have the 4 month/4 month visitations to continue.

K, I am sorry that she insults you..every person deserves respect.

I really really really recommend you read Stepwives - it is an eye-opening journey both ways for the emotions that surround an ex-wife and a stepmom and their in-common child.

Let me know what you think of the book when you've read it.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Your input is appreciated - 01/31/06 11:25 AM

I do not want to sound like a salesman but here's what i did with legal needs.

I joined Pre-Paid legal. Paid some small up front member fees and then got a very good attorney for a discounted rate.
He was awesome. And I saved over 1000 bucks for his services.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Your input is appreciated - 01/31/06 06:54 PM

Agnt, is this something you can do online? If so, mind sharing the web site?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Your input is appreciated - 02/01/06 06:14 AM

Agnt43 is a MAN so not fair to ask him anything either, right? Who needs his advice!!!

Dotsie on the main Boomer page scroll down to Google and type in 'pre-paid legal' and umteen choices pop up....

[ January 31, 2006, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Danita

Re: Your input is appreciated - 02/01/06 09:32 AM

A friend of mine is a pre-paid legal rep...

here is her info:

You can get all the info online. We are signed up for prepaid legal and identity theft with this company.

It is cheap insurance! (and you get a free will done...which alone could cost you LOTS of $$$)
