The second (or more) marriage

Posted by: Di

The second (or more) marriage - 09/02/07 02:58 PM

I been married before (won't tell how MANY times before) and I got to thinking about how much I may have "missed out" on having had the same spouse for over 20 years or so.

When having conversations with friends who have been married to ONE spouse, they really do not know what it's like to have had to adjust to the baggage we all carry.

For instance, kids from previous marriages; meals that a DH can be used to but a new/current wife does not or knows how to make; certain routines like putting dishes IN the sink as opposed to ON the counter (gets me irritated every time!!).

I also know I do not know my spouse as well as those who have known theirs since, say, high school. We are still learning one another. I feel as though you all have a huge jump on your relationship, in a good way.

I also think that when a couple has kids, it gives them a new opportunity to learn about the other. For instance, DH is grandpa. I don't even know how to be a parent, let alone a grandparent.

Would anyone else like to expand on the "second" marriage?
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/02/07 05:01 PM

How about the fourth marriage?? There is no way to describe what its like by the time the fourth one rolls around and then ends just like the other three.

By that time its more like going steady and then breaking up. You take the ring off, jump through the legal hoops and you're free to start all over again.

I've become jaded.
Posted by: Di

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/02/07 06:15 PM

I never had the "jaded" feeling. One day, I knew my prince charming would be there. And, I prayed for him!

Having once asked DH why he married yet again, he said he "knew" he'd get it right eventually since he has family members who've "gone the long haul".

In a few weeks, we will have been married 11 years...the longest "run" for both of us, so we are excited about this milestone!

Once I was #5 and it lasted just over 4 years. He then went on to marry #6 and #7. Both ended of course. Then his life ended the past January. But I was blessed to see him last September and learned he accepted Christ as Savior!

THAT was a miracle!!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/02/07 06:29 PM

If I had married all the boyfriends I was serious about, I may have broken the divorce record.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/04/07 08:15 PM

Oh how I know about the baggage thing!!!! (By the way, how does one NOT have baggage at our age??) I was married technically just one week shy of 31 years....and now I have a new husband and we'll bat 3 years next month. This time around, in my opinion, was no different than being 22. We still had to crawl through the first couple of difficult years and all the adjustments it takes. We're starting all over again in our 50's and it's really strange at times. We were both committed to long term marriages when things fell through. We've had to both learn to trust and love again and it's not been easy. I feel like we're just now beginning to settle in and really know each other so much better and we're easier on each other. But in my opinion, I would have loved living my life through with just one man but it wasn't meant to be.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/04/07 08:16 PM

Oh by the way, I married my first husband twice...does that count for something????
Posted by: Casey

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/05/07 12:14 AM

Hmmmm...I'm not sure if it counts or not, ladyjane -- your option!

I have to say that sometimes I slip with the embarrassing. My DH (#4) pretends not to notice. But then, he's besotted with me...

He's the best husband I've had and he does things so much better than anyone else that that's not a big adjustment. He was used to living alone, however, and we had to go through the fact that he needed to let me know when he was going to be late. I'm really sensitive to that because I was married to an alcoholic and NEVER knew when, or in what condition he was coming home!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/05/07 11:58 AM

Oh I couldn't agree more,Casey. My husband did the same thing at first. I was so untrusting and worried so about what he might be doing whenever he was late. Now he calls and lets me know what's happening...and usually shows up with Home Depot stuff or whatever! The slipping with names things has happened to me a couple of times...and it's happened to him. We just laugh it off because it's something that's bound to slip once in awhile. Think of this though --- husband #1 married another Jane! Guess he doesn't have to worry about "slipping!"
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/06/07 01:41 PM

I appreciate hearing these stories. I've been married to the love of my life for 28 years so I don't have too many stories to share. However, I know a couple who married twice (same person) and then got together and had a child. Still not married for the thrid time, but happily living together and are great parents.
Posted by: Di

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/06/07 02:17 PM


I've been married to the love of my life for 28 years so I don't have too many stories to share.

You are so blessed, Dotsie!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/07/07 01:38 PM

Thanks Di. He ws my brother's friend so I've known him since I was about 13. We started dating when I was 17. I think that's right.
Posted by: orchid

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/08/07 06:10 AM

Di, I don't know anyone except 1 person who married someone that they've known since high school. That marriage I mentioned ended in divorce after 14 yrs.

My partner is a grandfather. The grandson is 4 yrs. old. He is the parent of 2 grown children. I don't pretend to be their 2nd/step mother at all. I am Chinese-Canadian and he is German-Canadian. Their birth mother is originally from U.K.

I would not expect his children to warm up to me when already I look very different from them and especially, when I was not the woman to raise them from babyhood.

I think the children relate to their mother abit differently than their father. I know my partner fought in court to have equal live-in time for his children after divorce, but as you know the mother wins. Which can be harder on a father who genuinely cares about their children.

At this time, the children get along well with each of their birth parents. My gut feeling is that his daughter enjoys getting into lengthy intellectual discussions with her father vs. getting more woman-to-woman nurturing from her mother.

As for my role/relationship to the daughter...I'm probably just an older, friendly woman to her that can discuss with her about art, literature sometimes at esoteric levels ...and talk with her about her current job where she teaches English as a 2nd language at private to wealthy visiting students from the Pacific Rim countries. She uses me to bounce off her ideas on relationship dynamics between her, as a white, young female teaching to Asians students --young or middle-aged. She has these theories about Korean, Japanese and Chinese students ...which I'm fascinated to hear about differences/similarities. Some I agree, sometimes I don't agree.

Son is similar in terms of a good relationship with father, though he lives in a different province.

Based on what I've seen in past 5 years, it doesn't appear to me, that my partner is getting the "crumbs" in relationship depth with his children. If the children are/become well-adjusted in their own independent/personal lives, it paves the way to a better relationship to each divorced parent.

In honesty, it is less painful to everyone in our situation, including myself, that I don't try to play the role of a substitute parent for the kids.

It's not that hard for me to be in this role..already I'm a happy aunt to several children in our extended family.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/09/07 12:57 PM

orchid, you are so wise. I believe so much of it is based on expectations.

Kudos to your partner for trying to get custody of his kids. I'm sure they will always remember that.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/09/07 10:17 PM

I'm married to a man I've know since I was 17. We know each other very, very well. It's not my first marriage, my husband and I remained long distance friends since we were kids but both of us traveled for work and spent months,at times, years, in one place then had to move again. When we settled down, we did so together.

So, it's like a long marriage and we know each other's families well from hanging out when we were young but it's only 10 years old!

I would not have married again if it had not been him, someone I have known all my life but never dated until we were over. The chemistry was there but we were married to other people.

I feel very lucky to have made the marriage I did, when I did.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/11/07 02:11 PM

Neat story. It reminds me a little of the couples you hear about who meet up again at their high school reunionsa and the chemistry is still there.

It's wonderful having such a long history with someone. You can talk aobut anything or anyone from your childhood and they know who you're talking about.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/11/07 03:25 PM

Dancer your position is one to be admired and envied by some of us that are alone. My first love, my sweetheart from high school passed away after only five years of marriage and a day has not gone by that he doesn't come to mind.
Posted by: Jeannine

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/12/07 08:15 PM

Dotsie, count me in as one of those long-married to the love of her life gals. I first met my husband when I was 15. He was a young Marine, just turned 20, and one of his sisters was my good friend. He and I married four years later. I've known him for 42 years, and we've been sharing life together for 38 years. We are very good for each other, in all ways, and my heart still skips a beat, whenever he walks in a room.

Chatty, I don't even have the words to express to you how saddened I felt, reading your post. I'm speechless. Bless your heart, Chatty.
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/13/07 08:25 AM

(((( Chatty )))) Life just isn't fair sometimes is it

I married my high school (and junior high school) sweetheart and it lasted 1 year -- We grew in different directions. Soon after I met and married the "passion" of my life (my first husband married his sister to stay "close" to me) but he was killed by a drunk driver 2 yrs later. It was then that I met my soul mate and partner of the last 30 years (this October).

I'm still learning things about him that I never knew Our sex life is --- well lets just say -- daily and I can't imagine starting a sentence without him ending it.

So for me -- three times was a charm
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/13/07 02:28 PM

I don't think I will ever remarry. This was my fourth marriage and I really don't think I play well with others. Meaning, I don't think I ever want to be tied down to one man again.
I've had so much fun and have taken in a deep breath of fresh air now that I'm no longer married. Life is fresher, I see better, hear better, smile more often, and now every man I see (except for the married ones) are possibilities.

I feel free for the first time in years and its exhilerating! I feel like my life is just beginning-again and I feel a mixture of happiness, excitement and apprehension at what the future might bring.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/15/07 12:31 PM

Newleaf, it seems there are many single women at midlife who are also content. Some have learned they don't need men to be happy.
Posted by: DEJ

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/28/07 02:34 AM

my grandparents were the only couple I knew who were married for a 50 + years, It only ended when my grandmother passed away. Thats what I was hoping for when I married the first time, unfortunately, that marriage ended after the 14-15 yr mark. Now on my second marriage, I'm hoping we will last longer.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/28/07 05:23 PM

Thank you ladies for your warm words. It was really hard. The reason I find it hard for me to get comfortable with a man again is probably because I lost my first husband after five years and then 3 years later married another and he died after 14 years. That wasn't fair, I'm two for two...I did marry again another 14 years later, and that was a real timwe waster and adventure in insanity! I did get divorced, finally. Thats it for me...Why is it the good ones passed away and the as//ole is still wandering around the planet?? Hummmm!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/29/07 11:39 AM

chatty and everyone, it's amazing to read how much we boomer women have endured through the years, yet still remain so positive, uplifting and faithful.

Three cheers for boomer women carrying on with dignity!
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 09/30/07 09:56 PM

To give him a chance to get it right, Chatty?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/02/07 07:52 AM

I would literally pay to see that Newleaf. This guys is such a liar/user that he doesn't even know his own true self any longer. I suppose however he could possibly change with the proper guidance. I won't be the one guiding however, been there, done that. Have the T-shirt, ordered the hat. LOL
Posted by: Dianne

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/02/07 02:14 PM

Would the "proper guidance" include a swift kick with a frozen boot?
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/03/07 01:44 PM

I was just thinking about it this morning and I don't think I will ever get married again. Don't get me wrong, I love men and will always be open to Mr Right, if he even exists or Mr Chemistry which is more
But marriage is so intense and can be so disappointing when it fails and for me it has three sudden death.

The trouble is, I know myself TOO well and my latest love interest said he and I weren't compatible. I thought about that a lot and decided, I'm probably not compatible for any guy out there.

It would take a saint and then I wouldn't want him because he would be too

I just wish Johnny Depp would leave that chick he's with and bump into me. I think we would be great together...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/07/07 10:11 AM

Well I have been single for so long and my life is so screwed up, hours wise. I come and go as I please, work day or night, whatever suits me. Buy and cook only my kinds of food and usually have a gang of visiting animals around me. I can't imagine any man fitting into my lifestyle, and thats fine with me. I am woman, hear me roar!!!
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/08/07 08:46 PM

Tuesday my ex had me drive to his apartment and pick him up and take the divorce papers he had drawn up by his lawyer to MY bank and sign and notorize them. Now its official..not final, but official.
I told him the moment the ink dried on the papers,he was virtually dead to me.
I haven't spoken to him since. Its strange the sadness I felt. Like something died in my presence. And it did. My marriage. I cried feeling the loss of something I had hoped for and pledged to.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/08/07 10:41 PM

Even when women want the divorce, there is still a period of grieving for what they expected.

Feel the pain and carry on.
Posted by: Di

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/08/07 11:48 PM


Even when women want the divorce, there is still a period of grieving for what they expected.

Feel the pain and carry on.

That's very true, Dotsie. It's the guilt thing. Thankfully, I have been able to ask for forgiveness from both my X's. One just recently died and I got to see him not long before. AND, he accepted Jesus not long before that! I'm so glad the Lord allowed me to see the change and miracle for which I had prayed many years prior!!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/09/07 02:29 AM

I think the next marriage is good because you know what to do and what not to do! I'm not good at answering it because I finally ended up marrying a man knew as a child. It took almost no adjusting because we knew each other's family and long ago past where problems start. We were able to say, "you do that because you dad...," and get to the bottom of things. We both marrid other people first, of course, we were too young to date back then. Any marriage(s), I think, should teach you how to have a healthier relationship, right?
That would be a plus, many people I know remain married because that is what they know! They may not have anything in common anymore but they know the other person and are afraid of change!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The second (or more) marriage - 10/09/07 09:08 PM

dancer, my husband was my high school sweetheart. How corny. But, I agree. I like the way we have known one another's families forever. Actually, he was my older brother's friend first.

As long as we boomer women learn from the mistakes made in prior marriages, and try not to repeat those mistakes, all should be fine.