A new baby boomer book

Posted by: lrich

A new baby boomer book - 05/11/07 01:38 AM

I am very pleased and proud of my new baby boomer book called "My Personal BABYBOOMER RETIREMENT Book". I have just had it published and it is available at www.lulu.com Content ID #744391. Soon it will be available at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, etc.

This 200 page book is separated into 10 useful and practical sections. It is a record/information book, a “memories” book and a journal--all in one book. It is focused specific for retiring Boomers to keeping all personal information together in one place. It is extremely thorough as the table of contents confirms.

I have also created other Health/Fitness handbooks on my website www.siscanbooks.com and my sister, who is the writer in the family, wrote a children’s wonderful Christmas story, The Christmas Cat that can be purchased at this site.