When do you start your year-end holiday shopping?

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

When do you start your year-end holiday shopping? - 10/07/13 07:40 PM

I'm curious as to when most people start their end-of-year (holiday) shopping.

My question rises to the top, because I just read that PayPal has just announced a free two-day shipping promotion that starts now, I guess. If not now, then by October 30.

They've decided to get the jump on the traditional big holiday shopping blitz that traditionally begins with US Thanksgiving because their research shows people begin buying earlier than that.

Now I know my daughter shops all year long, and she'll be totally done with all of her shopping before T-day. Part of the reason for that is that her husband's family celebrates what they call "Thanksmas." They all get together for thanksgiving weekend, and celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in one big happy, family frenzy.

I'm sure the reason for this is the scheduling difficulties that develop as kids grow up, have families of their own, and want to open Christmas stockings at home on Christmas morning.

I personally no longer get involved in all the crazy "X number of shopping days until Christmas" frenzy, because MY family (sibs, parents and kids) has chosen to get together on the first weekend AFTER Christmas.

We started doing this years ago, because my brother-in-law was an Episcopal minister, and the 24th and 25th are big work days for him. He's retired now, and we could probably shift back, but we don't because this plan - like the "Thanksmas" one, allows nuclear families to be together at home on the most important days.

Besides, given that the liturgical year recognizes that the 12 days of Christmas begin -- not end -- with the 25th, it is still technically Christmas until January 6th.

This date shifting works great for bargain shoppers, because if they're fast they can take advantage of post-holiday sales to finish up their shopping.

So how about you? Are you a "get my shopping done early" person? Or do you like to wait until the last days before the end, so you can be part of the last minute shopping frenzy?

Just curious...so "do tell."

Posted by: Di

Re: When do you start your year-end holiday shopping? - 10/08/13 05:37 PM

Since Christmastime is our busy time of year, we don't have much time to 'shop' per se. And all my family does not live here, so that ends that!

But DH has two little grandgirls whom we try to see after Christmas. Undoubtedly, we shop at our local farmers/crafts market. I get all either custom or unique gifts. Just got some awesome wedding gifts for my niece (getting married this Friday.) I love our market!

No box store purchases for me for many, many years.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When do you start your year-end holiday shopping? - 10/09/13 02:03 AM

Our Christmas has shrunk so dramatically, from a full household of anywhere from 8-10 people sleeping and eating here for the whole week after Christmas (where did we ever put them all!!!) to just three of us now. My brother remarried and now spends Christmas with his new family; his daughters are all grown now and spend Christmas with their Mom (my brother's ex-wife); both my parents and my youngest brother (who spent every Christmas with us) have passed away. So for the past five years, there have been only three of us. This year, it looks like it will just be hubby and myself. So we don't have many gifts to buy this year.

But I had already started shopping right after Christmas last year! I knew I had my step-daughter's name for the stocking this year, so have been picking up little gifts all year long. But her Mom's partner just passed away, so my SD doesn't want her to spend Christmas alone. So not sure what I'll do with all those stocking stuffers. Maybe save them and we'll have ourselves a second Christmas later.

We also shop all year round for gifts to take to Cuba. We try to take one small gift for all of the people on our list - close to 100, including hotel staff, our families in the village and other friends in other nearby villages. It's so much fun, and challenging, given that we have weight allowance to consider. But we've pretty much managed to find some little thing for everyone. Just a few last-minute goodies to buy (e.g., some people specifically requested chocolate). Since our Christmas has turned into such a low-key thing, in some ways more painful than joyful because of all the empty chairs around the table, we see our time in Cuba as our real Christmas now.
Posted by: orchid

Re: When do you start your year-end holiday shopping? - 10/10/13 12:45 PM

I probably will bring some small Christmas gifts along when I visit family next month....my father is ill with cancer.

To me holiday shopping when family is so far away, tends to be now more smaller gifts or lighter gifts by mail. The focus does to tend to be my partner for me since I can give gifts in person to him.

Whenever I see a nice gift, I buy it any time of the year. Hope I remember where I put it to wrap up. smile