what's it look like 4 u

Posted by: Dotsie

what's it look like 4 u - 07/02/07 10:40 PM

What does retirement look like for you? Do you have plans of retiring. I have read so many articles about boomers doing retirement differently for many reasons. Some reasons have to do with the whole financial picture, some have to do with health insurance, living longer, wanting to work, enjoying work, etc. How about you?
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/03/07 02:50 PM

I would love to retire right now and just write till my fingers fall off. But we got a mortgage to pay off, and we don't really want to have a big financial cut in our life style...so writing will have to remain my hobby for at least the next 2 to 5 years.

I had all these visions what I would like to do when I retire, and where I want to live; but these visions have been put on the back burner because of our grandchildren. We just found out that our other DIL is expecting a baby too.

So I guess we will remain here. I say that with a happy and sad heart, because those other dreams were as real. I would think, living somewhere beautiful without family nearby, is probably like throwing a grey veil over a gorgeous landscape.
Posted by: Cookie

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/03/07 04:11 PM

If we wanted to, we could retire right now if it wasn't for the health insurance. Health insurance is so darn expensive! However, on the plus side, my hubby isn't ready to retire yet. But when we do retire, we are considering moving to TN for many reasons. But one of the main reasons is the state tax laws are different, especially on your pension.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/04/07 12:33 AM

I retired as far as Social Security is concerned this past June 2007 on my birthday. I dropped the widows benefits I was getting as my own funds would be much higher. So now I am retired, got my first check yesterday.

Oh I am still working, harder than ever and loving it, but what they (Uncle Sam) doesn't know, won't hurt ME!!!
Posted by: countrygirl51

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/04/07 01:00 AM

Retirement is still a fairly distant dream for us. I'm only 55, Dennis is almost 59, but has just started a new job and so needs to work on building a retirement fund. We hope to someday buy a fifth wheel camper trailer and travel the country. I would like to buy a house to replace the one that is falling down around our ears, and buy an older, cheaper trailer, but Dennis wants to buy a new fifth wheel trailer instead. That would be wonderful as long as we are physically well enough to travel. But one of these days, there is a strong chance that our health will deteriorate and then we will have a trailer we can't use and a house that has crumbled. Men's logic defies all common sense sometimes. If I mention my ideas, he gets all bent out of shape and thinks I'm throwing cold water over his dreams. sigh. At t his point, I'm just taking it day by day. Trying to keep my energy up enough to work full time, keep up with the kids and grandkids, do my art and writing, and keep this old termite infested shack standing upright.
Posted by: SharonE

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/04/07 01:01 AM

Retirement looks to me like: Having the freedom and funds to travel, travel, travel. But it ain't gonna happen anytime soon ...That's the 10 yr plan, can't wait .
I would love it to happen sooner, and miracles can happen, so you never know. It is a 'time IN my life' that I'm sure I'll have the 'time OF my life' when it arrives.
Posted by: orchid

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/05/07 04:27 AM

For myself, not sure...retirement not for another ..hmmm over 15 yrs. later. But I do know some women personally close to my age (48) who have taken early retirement or will in a few years.. boggles my mind abit.

I can see how retirement if carefully planned is helpful..my partner took early retirement a few years ago. He is heavily involved in cycling organizations and the activity itself. There are several other early retirees like him, real cycling enthusisasts and very healthy, vibrant. Over the years, he drops on his mother to look after her for a few hrs....before she ended up in nursing home.

Yes, he is a better house cleaner than myself. But then, he's by nature, a neat/tidy person.

And the reason why I am working...the money is for my own long-term future since I can't rely totally on just his. I have to be realistic about my own future since he is a number of yrs. older than I.

So rather than wait around to make plans about travelling at retirement for myself....we find time and save money to travel ...now.

I have to say it's lovely to have sweetie meet me at my bike pickup point 1/2 way home...and we ride the rest homeward after I finish work. It's been like this for the last few years, him meeting me at work/near work and cycling homeward together. Instead of a car ride, we bike home.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/05/07 10:11 AM

I retrired three years ago.Missed my students very much..also the buzz of an educational establishment.Special friendships where I knew my collegues families and happy and sad times with them.
One thing I have noticed recently is how invisible a woman my age can be.(In certain circumstances) wonder if its a hint of thing to come.
I think I was definined by my job up to a point.Now I have created a balance.I made choices to do some thing for my community.Make a home where all feel welcome and care for my loved ones.Slowly another non work orintated women emerged.
I still would like the challenge of an essay and research and may look for such an outlet.I feel happy and content..but there was a time of a feeling of loss for my career.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/05/07 01:59 PM

I've got another 12+ years to retirement (unless I hit the lotto!) but that's okay, because I do enjoy working. In fact, if I ever stop working on my own biz I imagine I'd jump into a few volunteer organizations and work on those. I just can't seem to do "nothing".

I'd also like to travel, and read a LOT of books. We have no plans of moving; we may stay in this house 'til the end.

Posted by: yonuh

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/05/07 08:03 PM

I took early retirement just over a year ago, at 57. I made it for almost 5 months before my financial cushion went flat, so I'm now working part time to supplement my pension, more than half of which goes to pay for my health, vision, and dental insurance. I don't dare give that up because it's a good plan - better than most. I am working on setting up my own business(es) and taking my time to find the perfect niche. I am also taking classes part time. My partner is home all the time and has been for quite a while - he's self employed and works out of our home. We don't get in each other's way at all. He is great about honoring my space and time, as I do his. There are times when we do things together; times when he goes off to do something he wants; and times I go off to do what I want. What I love about our relationship is that we're not 'joined at the hip' at all. We have great discussions about anything and everything and have some interests in common and just as many that we do alone.

Sometimes I wish I hadn't retired early, but if I had stayed at my job I would have been a basket case by now. I retired mostly to save my sanity and don't miss any of the BS, although I do miss some of the people in my office. But we get together every couple of months or so for lunch. After hearing some of their stories, I'm very glad I'm not there any more!!
Posted by: orchid

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/06/07 05:52 AM


I retrired three years ago.Missed my students very much..also the buzz of an educational establishment.........
I still would like the challenge of an essay and research and may look for such an outlet.I feel happy and content..but there was a time of a feeling of loss for my career.
Mountain ash

Mountain Ash, I have a good friend (68 yrs) who retired a few years ago --before 65. She became heavily involved for last 5 years in Learning Annex/elder learning network where members volunteer to prepare and teach/lecture on various topics. This would mean speaking to groups for more than an hr. She loved it and was treasurer /secretary for the group.

You might be great as a walking tour guide ..with your penchant for research, details, etc. A friend of mine ran her own local cycling and walking tours. She hired 2 retired teachers..they were excellent guides. I was asked..but no way I was going to work on weekends when I had a different full time job already!!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/06/07 09:45 AM

how kind...I did train to work with the Hospital chaplain to be a visitor at hospital.Then my health took a dip(not connected)However next week I have surgery..and spookilt met the Chaplain socially.We talked and will contact each other whe I am well.
I feel I must find a niche My experience could help new practioners.
I was offered work recently...in my line .Everything is out there.First get me feeling more well.
I am happy pottering.Have a lovely garden.Read lots but I am open to chance..and the Universe.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/06/07 12:33 PM

One thing I realise is that our health system in the UK sees to our needs.I can and have opted for private consultations but will have my surgery on our National Health Service.I pay for dentist but its subsidised by the payments made when I earned.
I have free train/coach travel locally (our County).

So retirement is ok finacialy.Naturally my pension is less than my wage was but my needs are different.
The UK made provision after WW2 (I wrote in a different topic about this)and as a Boomer I am benefiting from that Act of Parliament.
What will happen when there are more people retired than working is another story
Mountain ash
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/07/07 12:26 PM

mountain, you mention surgery. I hope this is nothing serious. Mind letting us know how long you'll be away? I'm hoping it's outpatient...
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/07/07 04:17 PM

No I am there for a week.But will catch up with you all in time.This week I will do my "To do" list .
Mountain ash
Posted by: chickadee

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 07/09/07 12:35 PM

Got this in an email...too funny but makes sense...

NO Nursing Home for me!
With the average cost for a Nursing Home per day reaching $188.00,there is a better way when we get old & feeble. I have already checked on reservations at the Holiday Inn for a combined long term stay discount and senior discount of $49.23 per night. That leaves $138.77 a day for:

1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in any restaurant I want, or room service.

2. Laundry, gratuities and special TV movies. Plus, they provide a swimming pool, a workout room, a lounge, washer, dryer, etc. Most have free toothpaste and razors, and all have free shampoo and soap.

3. They treat you like a customer, not a patient. $5 worth of tips a day will have the entire staff scrambling to help you. There is a city Bus stop out front, and seniors ride free. The Handicap bus will also pick you up (if you fake a decent limp). To meet other nice people, call a Church bus on Sundays. For a change of scenery, take the Airport shuttle Bus and eat at one of the nice restaurants there. While you're at the airport, fly somewhere. Otherwise, the cash keeps building up.

4. It takes months to get into decent nursing homes. Holiday Inn will take your reservation today. And you are not stuck in one place forever, you can move from Inn to Inn, or even from city to city. Want to see Hawaii? They have a Holiday Inn there too.

5. TV broken? Light bulbs need changing? Need a mattress replaced? No problem. They fix everything, and apologize for the inconvenience. The Inn has a night security person and daily room service. The maid checks to see if you are ok. If not, they will call the undertaker or an ambulance. If you fall and break a hip, Medicare will pay for the hip, and Holiday Inn will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.

6. And no worries about visits from family. They will always be glad to find you, and probably check in for a few days mini-vacation. The grand kids can use the pool. What more can you ask for?

So: As I reach the Golden age I'm facing it with a grin. I'll just check into the nearest Holiday Inn!
Posted by: Dee

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 08/09/07 06:14 AM

I got to retire early because of continued harrassment where I worked...my case went all the way to the pentagon and through the help of my state senator I was rewarded a retirement...believe me, I had the retirement years, but not the age...but circumstances made it available to me so I took it.
It's been wonderful. No stress, no putting up with the BS I had to put up with working for the government. I went from taking many medications to just one for my cholesterol...my doctor is so pleased. Aside from the normal menopause sleepless nights, I feel great! My husband will work another 4 1/2 years before he can retire so I'm a full time housewife and I absolutely love it. I'm free to pursue any of numerous hobbies, hang out with my friends and out-laws and family. I often don't even know what day it is because I don't have to know...now that's retirement!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 08/09/07 02:00 PM

Dee, you sound so happy. It's wonderful. I have a friend who is much healthier since retiring too. She still has some health issues, but feels so much better without the stress of all the relationships and BS at work. I'm tickled for her. Except now she's ready to do stuff and I have to work.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 08/09/07 03:24 PM

Dee ..well done you train blazer.Going to the top when wrongs are done changes society for the better.
I have been thinking...during that time after an op when nurses do everything for you I was chidlike.Although I wrote I missed my students(My job was my passion) I saw health as eing No 1 for any retired person.I also saw good health drives me forward. I have little plans.An art class booked. I have an idea hatching...Just as we all have dreams and plans its healthy to have a goal.
Tell you later what I am thinking about.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Dee

Re: what's it look like 4 u - 08/10/07 07:46 PM

Thanks Dotsie...yes I'm very very happy.
Mountainash...yes, I was given no choice really...it was either fight back or let them ruin my career which wasn't going to happen...not after serving my country honorably for 10 years and then working civil service for another 15...I had a boss (married) who thought he could pressure me into sleeping with him and when I wouldn't, he tried to ruin my career...he didn't know how much being in the military hardens a woman with behavior like that and prepares her for dealing with jerks like him. He thought because he was a deputy director that he could do what he wanted with his secretary (me)...boy, did he find out otherwise...and I have Trent Lott's office to thank for it. The woman who came to my defense is Murtis Frank and she was a power house woman who pulled no punches with them...when they tried to BS her she stood her ground and went all the way to the pentagon for me...needless to say, I'm retired because of what she did for me and I'm forever grateful to her. I don't believe in no way out. There's always an answer somewhere...we just have to keep looking and fighting our way through it all and find the right person to help us along the way. My guardian angel is Murtis. Without her I don't know what I would have done.