Fam. Reunion

Posted by: Songbird

Fam. Reunion - 07/10/07 09:02 PM

I've been swamped with work lately and sharing less in the forum. Soon I'll be on my way to the home of my childhood, for a family reunion with my aunts, uncles, cousing,etc.

I am working overtime, helping organize such an event and preparing my share of it, plus my work at the office and my ministry. I call this a truckload of work!

So, please, forgive me for not popping in more often. I do care and have each of you in my thoughts, just too busy, plus my church responsibilities require a lot from me too.

I look forward to this reunion- where we will get together for the first time after so many years since we left the home of our childhood. I pray this will be a blessed event and very meaningful as a christian family.

I do pray and hope you understand and forgive my absence here. Love you bunches!