blessings, joys, MIRACLES

Posted by: nillawafer

blessings, joys, MIRACLES - 01/08/03 02:21 AM

october 12th between onethirty and two in the morning i was not prepared for it, however..... i thought that my son was dying from an automobile accident. today is so completely different from that day! today he graduated from occupational therapy! he graduated from speech therapy last week! he got his memory back on new years day! he has been finished with physical therapy for some time. by the grace of GOD we are down to eye exercises to retrain a part of his brain, cognitive therapy, phsycotherapy, neurology appointments, and some psychiatry. he will still be on his seizure medication as well. in a couple of months he will do this driving evaluation thing when he is ready to drive. that may or may not happen in a couple of months. we are not going to push it. driving is a huge fear for him. he will be starting with some work within the next couple of weeks. he won't be doing his managerial duties as before....yet. he will be working a few hours a day a few days a week. he may need a job coach at first but who the heck cares?!?!? this has been an unbelievable experience for our family. i cannot imagine how it has been for him. he is so strong and i am so proud of his hard work. i cannot tell him that enough times a day. thank all of you on this board that have prayed for all of us! i now know what it is like to witness a true miracle.
Posted by: WizardofZA

Re: blessings, joys, MIRACLES - 01/08/03 06:48 PM

That is wonderful news! Continued Blessings to your family.
Posted by: 40something

Re: blessings, joys, MIRACLES - 01/10/03 05:12 AM

Prayers do work! It is so good to hear your news!!It is truly a miracle.
As I get older and wiser, I do believe that there are blessings that can be found in everything, even the painful, gut-wrenching stuff. I believe that God works in everything. We are supposed to grow, or we are supposed to give others an opportunity to give, etc. As someone I work with recently said, "there are blessings in everything, even the tough stuff." Sometimes you have to look for them, and sometimes you just immediately have a feeling that this particular thing is sent from above for your benefit, and this is part of a master plan.