nillawafer, how about an update?

Posted by: Kathryn

nillawafer, how about an update? - 01/24/03 04:16 PM

Just wondering how things are going with your son? Would love to hear an update.
Posted by: nillawafer

Re: nillawafer, how about an update? - 01/24/03 10:48 PM

thanks for asking. he works a few hours a day about four or five days a week. he used to be a general manager of a pizza restaurant. he has not re-assumed those duties..yet. we are not sure when or if he ever will. he is making pizzas, answering phones and things like that right now. he gets overwhelmed very easily at work. that bothers him greatly because he really notices his brain injury when that happens. he is having huge depression issues. he is going to the psychiatrist on the 3rd of february. he still sees the neurologist, psychotherapist, cognitive therapist, and neuro-opthamologist. he will not drive for who knows how long. he is not even getting into the driver's seat of a car. he won't even sit in the back seat drivers side of a car. he has a different aspect to his personality now that we learned may always be there. it is not a good one. it is that he is very confrontational since his injury. he is the first one to confront anyone about anything that is bothersome to him. it does not matter if it is him against one guy or him against ten guys. it is scary to be alone with him in public sometimes and i hate admitting that...but it is true. the doctors tell us that their is medication that can help that. he had one of his doctor's explain to him this past week that as a result of his injury that what it takes you or me five minutes to learn will now take him probably fifteen minutes to learn pretty much for the rest of his life. he is only 21 and this is devastating news to him. (and us) Taking three times as long to lay memory track from the time you are 21 for the rest of your life sucks... he is sick of hearing how lucky he is... we all are. please continue to pray for us. things are better than we thought they would be three months ago but maybe not as good as we TRULY hoped...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: nillawafer, how about an update? - 01/24/03 11:18 PM

I read in another forum that you pray all the time. You are very blessed because I can't imagine what it would be like for someone to go through what you and your family are going through if they didn't have faith. I am so sorry that you all have to suffer this way. I continue to keep you in my prayers!

I remember how pshyched I was to learn about your son's memory coming back. Praying that there is another surprise for you around the corner!
Posted by: gardenbloomer

Re: nillawafer, how about an update? - 01/24/03 11:44 PM

Dear Nillwafer,
I will continue to pray for your son, you, your whole family. I remember a friend telling me to pray for her son and don't stop praying.
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: nillawafer, how about an update? - 01/27/03 05:14 PM

Nillawafer, thanks for letting us share in your life and I will continue to pray for your son and for you. "Lucky"? one of those damned platitudes that people use when they don't know what to say.
It must be so terribly difficult for you to deal with the bucketful of emotions....anger, pain, grief, even embarrassment and fear. Please be gentle with yourself and know that all that you feel is valid and don't feel badly about it. You've been through a great deal and I think you've handled it amazingly well! Hugs from Maryland!!!!!