I am not afraid... to go walking in the nite..not around´s an area where there are only private homes. Our little apartment area is the only one around here. That´s one of the positive things about´s fairly safe. But the crime rate here is escalating, you do have to be careful and watchful to some degree..and know perhaps which areas to stay out the area that I work in..if you are not one of the residents. I wouldn´t go out walking there in the late nite or early morning.

Gosh..all that heat all ready!!! WOW! We are having a cool spell and it´s about 50F during the day. But for us up here..that´s just cool..not cold..and we don´t wear any jackets or anything in the middle of the day . The Swedes say that 50F means that the spring has arrived. And 65F..that´s summer! I can´t believe these numbers myself when I convert them to Farenheit as I have here! I would just whither away in some of the heat you guys have. I am not used to it anymore! And I grew up outside of Wash.D.C. Amazing! Awesome!

Well, I´m a walkin´with you gals..eventho I do it a bit later in the day. During my working week, I try to go out directly upon coming home so that I don´t get too cozy in the house. Nice to know that you gals are trying too. I´ve read so much lately about how good walking is for you..even for your eyes did you know that? I suppose it´s all about circulation..
"some sacred place.."