I just finished reading Running with Scissors, by Augesten Burroughs.

I picked it up at the book store because of the cover. There's a young boy with a box on his head. I became interested because it's a true story written by a guy and I've done nothing but read stories written by women lately. [Big Grin]

A guy working at the store saw me with the book and shared that he thought it was a most unusual, but honest tale he's ever read. I bought it.

That employee at the book store hit the nail right on the head. Augesten's childhood was the most bizarre I've ever read. It's written with such honesty you just can't imagine how he lived to tell about it.

His dad was a drunk, his mom was mentally ill, and they gave him away to his mom's psychiatrist and his family.

The book's crazy, unusual, sickening, funny, and somehow I kept turning the pages to learn more. Never read anything like this one.

He has a sequel. I'llk get it at the library, but won't buy it.

Anyone else read it?