Ah ha, I didn't even know about this post and I just got back from a teeny bit of an hour-plus walk with a girlfriend. She lives down the street and we walk often. Even though it was misting when we started, rained for part of the walk, then stopped near the end, it was refreshing.

We have a few routes that we've done in the past but lately, due to my knee, we've been weaving in and out of the neighborhood streets nearby just in case I need to stop. Today we also wandered through town and around the courthouse, then called it quits.

Ann, great idea for a topic. I will definitely record my walks. This should make it more fun and interesting. I'll look forward to hearing about where others walk.

Tomorrow, I'm hitting the mall early to walk with another friend. Now that my leg is feeling a bit better, I want to walk off the pounds I've gained since injuring it in August. I weigh more now that I ever have in my life. How many other women can say that? That included when I was pregnant. ACK!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.