You can do it Chatty...I know you. Once you set that Italian mind to it, NOTHING or NOBODY could stop you. You go girl, but GO at your own pace and NEVER, EVER, EVER, feel you can't say, "I didn't walk today." Heck, we are ALL going to do that at some point, Jane the Moat Swimmer says, do so at your own pace. We're here to cheer you on though!

Dots, this headset is a am/fm radio. The choice of MUSACK was an oldies station. I wish my portable CD player was worth a crap. Popea sent me some EXCELLENT music and I would love to have it as I walk....but alas the player I have is a piece of doo doo...

As soon as I loose this LARGE cup of java I enhaled this am, I'm walking. I'm going to do the Postman Walk. Come rain, hail, snow....