Phyllis, come here for the inspiration. Or picture all your boomer women friends cheering for you to keep the mission.

Anno, skating? What fun. Is it an outdoor arena? I haven't done that in about 10 years.

Anne, I recall years of being determined to get my walk in even if it was icey. Now I go to the mall. I wish I had your stamina and desire to be outside anyway. The fresh air is so good for us.

I got off track a bit because of my wicked colinoscopy I had last week. Always a story. But that dang thing really threw me for a loop. Anyway, back at it.

Sunday I went to the Y and did the bike and cross trainer.
Monday I walked with a friend for 45 minutes outside in the humidity which is so odd for Baltimore in January.
This morning I walked for an hour at the mall with a friend.

It feels good to be back at it.

Hannelore, what's up with your heal? Does the condition have a name?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.