I had lots of problems with insomnia in past years, partly due to depression, chronic fatigue and grief after losing my Mom. It took me a long time to recognize that another contributing factor was that I was going to bed too early! I used to go to bed at the same time as my husband, who goes to bed quite early (9:30!) I would sleep for a few hours, then wake up around 2am and be unable to get back to sleep for the rest of the night. It was so frustrating (and I didn't know about this place back then!), but once I began to use that time for prayer-time, it actually became something I looked forward to.

But when my husband went away for a couple of weeks about 2 years ago, I found that if I stayed up til 11pm or midnight, I slept straight through the night and woke up in the morning with lots of energy. Ever since then, I go to bed with him for a bit of cuddling, but when he falls asleep, I get back up and come here, or read, write letters, or play computer games until I'm tired (usually around 11pm). Then I'm usually able to sleep through the night.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)