yea insommnie can be so lonly if you sleep then wake, which i do but their times i just can't nood off at all. like anno said the moon and it's phazies play a big part in my sleep and also emotionality, i more tense generally and worriesome when it's just about full till it's comming full.

The dark moon can be strange as well.
I got fibromyalga so pain and innsommnie go as part of it's symptomology. As eagle was saying it depends so much on how you use that time and what spinn you put on it. Either way your gonna be tired but it's harder if you been desparring in the night or just worrieing more about the whatevers in life, praying always worked for me or someting creative that i could stop at when i wanted or when i got tired (like writting)......then theirs this place yippeeee makes a diffrence

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn