Renee, you re-connected with a friend from childhood? That's great! I must say that this transition to real estate, which is a former profession of mine, has not been easy. The business has gotten so complicated, which is ok because that protects the public. What was once a 3 page contract is now 12 pages of legaleze. Another hard part is the technology. I had to buy a lap top PC compatible with the office network, a handy dandy super fancy cell phone, and a calculator suitable for a math wizard. It's been over my head to take on this kind of technology. The good part is having a mentor. She was away last week, leaving me in the office by myself. I felt lost and lonely without her, which made me realize how lucky I am to have a mentor! My licensing application is not complete yet. The real estate board keeps kicking it back to me for one thing or another. It took 2 months for my fingerprints to go through the FBI (a requirement of licensing in CO to make sure I am not a felon.) After the 2 months of waiting, the real estate commissin said they did not like my fingerprints and they wanted a new set. Also, I have to prove I am legit American via birth certificate. It took the commission 2 months to tell me this! Wow, if anyone knew how hard it was to get into real estate, then there would be more respect for brokers. Wish me luck!