Thank you girlfriends for the encouragement. HL, you may have sold 4 houses this month! That's great, after a long cold winter. I do know that most brokers drop out because they cannot get through the economic hard times. I just know this is the right thing for me to do at this time, and I can still pursue my other passions and missions. Oh, JJ, thanks for the "inspiration" comment. Just a couple of years ago, I went back to college to get my degree in social work. I met another woman about my age who was also getting a degree in SW. My intentions were to go on to get my masters degree to do counseling with women. Her intentions were to get only her bachelors, and do adoption counseling. Well, I got cancer and got derailed, just got my bachelor's and no energy for masters. She could not find a job at the bachelor's level, so spent more time and money on her master's degree. She got jobs with her MSW but she is very unhappy with the high stress and low pay, lack of intrinsic reward, and red tape she deals with. So, she is quitting her master's level job, and going into REAL ESTATE! My goodness. It's a sad state the way social workers are not rewarded in our society, yet they do most of the mental health counseling. And like I said, I'm going back to work because there is no money in advocacy. But social workers are relationship people, and a real estate business is built on relationships. Any comments about this line of thinking?

Edited by Princess Lenora (03/12/07 03:54 AM)