Shows like Sex In The City and Friends have promoted the "normalcy" of one night stands and treated them like, "oh gee, there's soomeone in my bed. Slap my hand or hush my mouth and call me silly."

Premarital sex is treated like brushing your teeth or relieving your bladder. Sorry, why isn't there a reality show about the man or woman who is too drunk to wear the condom or about the couple who leaves the bar and goes to the doctor for an aids check prior to jumping in bed, or about the wife at home whose heart is broken and her small children are hanging onto her asking why mommy is crying?
Or, about the girl in the doctor's office with her legs spread wide and her feet in stirrups hearing the suctioning of her baby out of her womb.
No, we just blithely go about wondering who our next conquest will be and if our nails look alright.
Aarikja Ann