Wow. I had the "right" man. He died suddenly 6 years ago. I don't feel as though I'm "marring" or "sulleying" anyone, and definately not myself. I suppose you could look at having sex only for procreation purposes, but that would mean most of the women on this site should no longer have sex.....what a shame. And how many women, some on this site I'm sure, have sex inside a marriage only because it is expected of them. That's not any better than having it outside of marriage when you don't want to. That's definately not treating your body as "sacred". And that "sullies" us. I believe that sharing something God gave us with someone who we enjoy being with,and who enjoys being with us, is a blessing. Life is a series of wonderful moments interrupted by a few bad ones. Good sex with someone I care for makes for an incredibly wonderful series of moments. Not everything is a Thanksgiving dinner. Sometimes Burger King tastes darn good.