Well, I went on a date with the "younger" guy and had a wonderful time. He was very attentive, generous, and we got along famously. He told me my outfit looked great and took me to dinner, drinks and a movie. Although it's very early in the relationship, I definately sense he's very interested. I had to drive a distance the next day, and he even called to make sure I arrived okay. While having a drink at a local pub, he had to use the restroom, and in his absence another gentlemen tried to strike up a conversation with me. My date returned and had to elbow his way back in to his seat. He mentioned the "pick-up" attempt and i could tell there was a spark of jealously, but in a very flattering way. He asked if we could see each other again, and i said absolutely. I'm not sure if he knows my true age, but he is well aware that I am older (about 14 years). I don't think it bothers him at all. I like this guy. Oh, and he's a damn good kisser too.